We all know what high school Jan and I went to, I don't want to mention it by name so I will just call it the TBS from here on. Anyway, I received the new TBS Bulletin in the mail
yesterday. It is the size of a magazine and fills in alumni on the current state of TBS as well as stories regarding alumni. In the back is a section that is devoted to updates on alumni, sent in by the alumni and organized by year. There were 6 for the class of '92. As I read them, I felt the same loathing that so many people have felt towards TBS. A quick recap and my thoughts on those 6 individuals:
Sam S writes that he is living in
London with his new wife working for some big firm. If in the Nottinghill area please look him up.
Dear Sam S, You were one of the biggest dicks in high school. I am guessing not much has changed. I will pass on visiting you on my vacation, but thanks for the offer.
Lindsay M writes that she is a living in France and enjoys skiing and that she regrets she could not make the reunion.
Dear Lindsay, my ass you regret making the reunion as it did not include the year above us that you worshiped so much.
Mayank K writes that he is going to school at
USC and that a play he wrote is currently being preformed in LA. If in the area, he advises that we see it.
Mayank K, the last time you wrote in you were in DC helping
underprivileged kids and that it was more rewarding than anything else. I am glad you sold out those kids dreams for you own. Also, could not help but notice you would rather have people see your play rather than actually see you.
Toru T writes that he is working for a Japanese publication and is currently doing work in Iraq.
Toru, congratulations but I thought you were a junior when we were seniors.
Tim E writes that he is studying
Portuguese and will soon be doing something or other in Rio de
Dear Tim E, as someone native to Russia (or one of the countries that used to be in Russia) I always thought you had a pretty rough time in
high school. Good for you and good luck.
Kelley R writes that she has been living in Thailand for the last 2 years.
Dear Kelley, I know and so does
everybody else because an email with 300 names on it is sent weekly updating your status.
Here is my submission,
RTS writes that he is living in the south and is amazed at all the things that we took for granted in
MPLS. He is currently working for an Equity Capital Markets group. The "excitement" of the market has started to take affect in his appearance as he is starting to gray rapidly and has a habit of flying off the handle. He would like everyone to know that the stress you read about in starting your own business is very real and helps contribute to gray hair and mood swings as well.
RTS spends most of his free time doing puzzles, reading books, doing art projects and going places with his daughter.
Or even better my uncle's, class of 72 or something like that.
Don writes I have been living off the grid since I dropped out of Berkley and Cornell in the 70s. I sold my computer company circa 1980 and have been living off that since. My goal has been to make less than $12k a year so I don't have to pay taxes. I am most likely living in a house (shack) much like Ted
kaczynski. I am totally self sufficient and my place runs on solar power. Please do not come looking for me.
Now I may be being petty and childish but this thing definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe this wasn't the forum to post it and it should have just been an email to Jan.