The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

January 2, 2013

FTLOSBW - Feel the Excitement Grow in Your Pants

What does a blog about Minnesota sports say after one of the most emotional wins ever?  I'm at a loss.  I think the smile on Joe Webb's face and his excitement says it all during this breakdown.

So excited. Can't wait for Saturday night. Everyone is doubting us.  Keep it up. We'll show you, just you.


Blogger MCA said...

Let me just say - that was a lot of fun watching. I had a huge fire in the fireplace up at the cottage, the boys were huddled up on the couch with me, and AP took care of business. Was so hoping he'd break that last run to the endzone to cap off the game and break the record, but whatever. Great night.

And, it should be said, for all the endless kvetching we all do (most times quite justifiably), this New Year's break was perhaps the best Minnesota sports weekend in a decade. Vikes beat the Pack to make the playoffs, Peterson finishes off the second best season ever by a RB, the Gophs beat Michigan State to open the B1G season in style, and Gopher hockey beat defending nat'l champ BC 8-1. 8-1!

Oh, and BG got his bowl win out of the 'Cats. Doesn't get much better than that, boys. Enjoy the good times.

Just wanted to let the record show how off I was about the Vikings season back in September - if I recall, I said they'd win no more than 5 games and be lucky to get a single divisional W. Happy to have AP prove me so very, very wrong.

January 3, 2013 at 10:33 AM


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