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February 14, 2008

Innocent until proven guilty? I say we've heard enough - guilty

As the Clemens hearing dominates sports talk, so will it dominate our blog.

This is from Reusse’s article today citing former Boston columnist Mike Barnacle writing when Clemens left Boston for Toronto: “If Clemens had not once been able to consistently throw a baseball 95 miles per hour past men with bats in their hands, he would be wearing bib overalls and sitting on a milk crate at the open end of a trailer somewhere, brushing his tooth, while shooing away flies from his head," Barnacle wrote. "The man is a complete dope." Pretty much sums up my view on Clemens from yesterday's hearing. "Misremembered"? Really?

I was also pretty appalled at some of the congresspeople's comments that bordered on hero worship.

At the end of the day while McNamee is not the best 'star' witness, I thought Clemens looked pretty guilty (the affidavit from Pettitte and Pettitte's wife, 'tampering' with the nanny, inconsistencies from his 60 minutes interview etc.) Amazing how Pettitte will pretty much walk away from this and Clemens' still got so much explaining to do.


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I watched almost the whole thing. The word ridiculous comes to mind. McNamee and his online PHD. The focus on the BBQ (I want to know what kind of sandwiches they ate: pork, chicken or beef). The senators holier than thou act was tiring. The one senator had the gall to ask how someone could work for someone who they did not think was ethical. Let me ask you Senator, have you ever taken a campaign contribution from someone who might fall in that same camp? I am guessing that it is an overwhelming yes, too many times to count. I would have loved to see him reference the movie Thank You for Smoking and Say "I have a mortgage to pay."

In the end I think it accomplished nothing. McNamee is a proven liar and the Clemens lovers will argue he can't be trusted. The haters will argue how could such a good friend, Andy Pettite, be so mistaken, that Clemens must be a liar.

In the end, my gut tells me that Clemens did use HGH. He has a reason to lie. Maybe more than anything is the number of stars before him that have traveled down the same path: Marion Jones, Floyd Landis, Rafael Palmeiro... To me the whole mess is at the feet of the baseball brass for allowing an entire era of baseball to become tarnished by not taking the measures they needed to.

February 14, 2008 at 10:08 AM

Blogger MCA said...

I am not following this, and will not follow this. THE DAY AFTER the Senate passes the abominable revised FISA bill, taking it up the yoohoo from the Worst President Ever one more time for old time's sake, they're out there decrying the steroids issue like it's (i) their job, and (ii) actually important. And on that very same day, congresscritters are talking big about grilling Roger Goddell and getting to the bottom of Patriots Spygate. As John Cole pointed out yesterday, there is the distinct possibility that the Patriots and NFL will be more harshly punished for spying on the Rams than the Bush Administration will be for spying on American citizens. And Roger Clemens got greeeeeilled yesterday far harder than Alberto Gonzalez EVER did.

This is why people hate government and want taxes lowered - so these jagoffs can't waste our time and money on this absolute garbage. Our economy is FALLING APART, the constitution has been systematically shredded, Congress had aided and abetted it all, and they're worrying about needles in Roger f-ing Clemens's ass.

Sorry for the rant.

February 14, 2008 at 10:13 AM


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