The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

February 3, 2013

AP and CC

Two awards that highlight the talent of the Vikes over the years with no hardware to show for it. However this isn't about my bitterness it's about their greatness. Congrats to both on well deserved honors, I'd they were on the same team we'd have a ring but again I digress.


Blogger BG said...

Yes...well-deserved honors for both guys. CC was particularly emotional (and not bitter), which was great to see. I loved AP's line during his acceptance speech where he said: "I plan to win this again next year, but I won't be here to accept it, because we'll be getting ready for the Super Bowl." Like the attitude...

February 4, 2013 at 11:18 AM

Blogger MCA said...

Great news on both fronts. It would have been a travesty for AP not to win MVP. Did you guys do an emphatic first down motion when hearing about Carter? I did, although it was in my head, because I was around, you know, adults.

Interesting side discussion topic: Marc Trestman, St. Louis Park native, Golden Gopher, former Viking assistant coach, new head coach of...the Bears? I've wanted this guy to get a chance and succeed for years, and he winds up in f'ing Hallas Hall. If he can find a couple offensive lineman and a defensive coordinator, the Bears will be a big threat next year, because Cutler and Marshall will go bonkers under Trestman.

February 6, 2013 at 5:27 PM

Blogger BG said...

MCA - great call on Trestman. I saw the news and did a double-take, as I've been hearing about him for a while, and I knew he was a Gopher and MN native. His name was always tossed around as a potential replacement for various NFL coaching jobs, but until now, it never happened. Apparently, his teams tore it up in the CFL. Definitely scared by what he could do with Cutler.

Seriously, why didn't he land in Jacksonville or something?!?!

February 11, 2013 at 11:16 AM


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