The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

April 29, 2009

[Non-Sports Related] House Recall?

Would the 6th Congressional District of our beloved home state please get down to the business of finding a way to recall Michelle Bachmann? I mean, really. The embarassment of installing a former professional wrestler as Governor pales in comparison. Think about that. Jesse's victory was a humiliation, but by comparison his actual performance as a public servant was stellar. He wasn't the brightest bulb in the closet, but he knew (and admitted) his limitations, and cared enough about his reputation that he could shut his mouth from time to time when he was in over his head.

This woman, on the other hand, has become in just 1+ terms far and away the single most ridiculous member of Congress. And that's with a truly All-Star cast of crazies currently, including such luminaries as Paul Broun, James Inhofe, Roy Blount, Tom Coburn, and Jim DeMint. Remember how Jordan and the 1990's Bulls were so great that, even though the rest of the league had probably the best collection of elite teams in decades, they still crushed everyone? Magic's Lakers. Malone and Stockton's Jazz. Payton and Kemp's Sonics. Those really good Cleveland teams. Drexler and Olajuwon's Rockets. Michelle Bachmann is the 1990's Chicago Bulls of Congressional ridiculousness.

There are times when I wonder if this isn't the greatest piece of satire ever conceived. She's secretly in the employ of Stephen Colbert, isn't she? C'mon. No one is this demented.

During the election, I was often heard saying that Sarah Palin was the logical endpoint of the Republican Party's process of distillation since '94, but I'm not so sure anymore. Bachmann is the perfect admixture of total lack of self-awareness, complete party loyalty, political persecution complex, maniacal devotion and utter stupidity. She referred today to the "Hoot-Smalley" tariff act, "passed by FDR," and blamed the Depression on it. Nevermind that said legislation was signed into law by Hoover. And called the "Smoot-Hawley" tariff act.

She's even inspired a new website to document her logical atrocities.

Can we just get rid of her already?

April 28, 2009

Our View of the Crash (Turn the volume off)

One of the guys I was with caught the first crash on his phone. It is a bit of a different view than the TV one I posted. It seemed a lot slower playing out at the race. Yes, the guy in front is wearing a sleaveless Dick Trickle shirt.

April 27, 2009

Vikings 2009 Draft

Well, thoughts? I like the pick of Harvin and that Phil Loadholt dude (340+ lbs is some good size.) No excuses now for the Chilly regime. What's funny is that this feels just like every other year, think through the Vikes team and poke holes in it where you can. Not too many when you get down to it. Our offensive and defensive lines are still in tact (with the exception of center) but apparently an upgrade on the O line with the draft. Our linebackers will be good with EJ coming back and Greenway. Yes, Sharper is gone but that's fine, I like Calvin Johnson and I wouldn't bet against Winfield just yet. On offense the question mark is at QB but with Berrian, Peterson, Taylor, Shinacoe, and now Harvin, we have some weapons to make the QB situation a little easier to swallow (I'm still not off the T-Jac bus just yet.) We should make a run in the playoffs, right? Plus we have an incredibly weak schedule. I'll hedge at 9-7.

April 24, 2009

TCF Bank Stadium

The stadium is really coming along. Check out the slide show linked below. Hard to believe the Twin Cities will have two new, state-of-the-art stadiums open in the next year. Call me a homer, but this thing looks really classy. Definitely seems to have more character than the average college "bowl."

April 23, 2009

Twins - move along, nothing to see here

Well that day/night double-header sucked the energy out of my Wednesday (being unemployed means I woke up excited to watch 2 ball games.) BTW - why do they call them 'day/night' double-headers, ever heard of a morning/afternoon one?

Anyway, leave it to Howard to get us though the mucky muck of yesterday. I think overlooked in this rocky start to the season is that Mauer isn't behind home plate. Yes, I agree that Mauer, Morneau, Kubel is going to make some people pick their poison and the offense will come around but I also think he probably can "call" a game and help out our staff a bit more than Redmond or Morales.

One more thing, Morillo was on the mound yesterday and the gun was hitting high 90's. Granted he was all over the place but he's got the HEAT and it was fun to watch a Twin throw true smoke.

April 22, 2009

Holy F' Balls You're Terrible Scott Baker!

Honestly, that's you're 3rd 2 run home run and you're not out of the 3rd inning?!?!? My Lord. At least Radke stopped at 1 dinger in the first. Mother f'er. You're ERA is now 15.43 - not quite ace material there Scotty.

April 20, 2009

Twins Happenings 4/20 Edition

Let's get jan's mug off the top of the page, shall we?

1. Sweep of struggling/emotionally scarred Halos this weekend. I feel badly for them, to have personal tragedy piled on top of significant rotation injuries to start the season. They'll be fine, I'm sure. Good job by the Twins of taking care of business, I guess.

2. My boy hit for the cycle with a Grand Salami Friday night. Nice. If that kid can ever start to hit lefties, he'll be a star, I'm telling you.

3. Twins won every which way over the weekend - come from behind, blowout, close one. Saturday may have been the only W they've found so far. This team is still -18 in run differential. I'll note that's second worst in the Majors, and that we're somehow still .500, so as not to just whistle past the graveyard. This team could pretty easily be 4-10.

4. Ergo, we need Mauer back.

5. Raise your hand if you said Perkins would be the rock in the rotation 15 games in. No one? Certainly not this observer. Slowey finally had a good outing Saturday, let's hope he's getting warmed up.

6. We picked up a legitimate flamethrower off waivers in Morillo. Apparently he's hit-the-bull wild. Can Rick Anderson turn this guy into a strike-throwing flamethrower? I like the move - letting Humber go (assuming he doesn't clear) doesn't have a whole lot of downside, I think, and we could use someone who can come in and blow a few guys away at a critical 7th inning juncture. I'll also note that Nathan's not getting any younger and we'd better have an heir apparent closer figured out by 2011.

7. I want these uniforms from now on...

Classic look.

April 16, 2009

Congrats to LH!

Just an announcement that this Saturday our very own LH will be getting married!


April 13, 2009

Michael Cudyer Watch

Alright, I hate the guy. I think he is somehow become Gardy's 'great white hope' in the outfield (which is fine, he has an arm) but I can't stand watching him at the plate. Why can't we do "Soul Patrol Part Deux" with Span, Gomez, & D Young?

He is hitting .231 with 8 k's in 26 at bats. I know, week 2 of the season but. . .

April 10, 2009

The Beard

It got a little scary towards the end.

The Dose: Your Twins and You

Twinkies start 2 and 2. First impressions? Can I still not like Cuddy? I think so, one game does not a season make. Rotation issues? I don't think so, getting 8 out of Perkins and only giving up one run and not getting the win is tough but it's too early to go negative, right?

Off to Chicago for 3 starting tonight.

How great is it just to have baseball back?

One other note: the beard was taken down to a mustache for a few days (honestly, I can rock a 'stache.) Now back to clean shaven. I think this might be an annual thing, grow a beard to starting in January and don't shave until 'Spring.'

April 5, 2009

Final Four, the Twins, and more . . .

Can you not root for MSU? Good for 'Rock City.' Anyone pulling for UNC (other than in your pool?) Seriously, it's the feel good story of the year, like Michael Phelps.

Twinkies go tonight. M's at home for 4 then to Chicago for 3 against the White Sox. How much do you hope Jim Thome's career is done?

Master's coming up. I woke up to snow on the ground this morning, you don't think I'm excited to watch golf on t.v.?

Drove by the Twins and the Gopher stadium on Friday. TCF looks pretty f'ing sweet. Jury is still out on the 'Bullseye' - took a closer look, more is done now, I think I have to see it from the inside. Still excited but . . .

April 2, 2009

Bears trade for Cutler

Bears traded Orton, two 1st round picks and a 3rd round pick for Cutler. Huge price to pay, but how often do proven QBs become available. Apparently, the Vikes could have had him a couple months ago, but "several coaches" weren't sold on him. I'm guessing these "coaches" were one Brad Childress, who is proving to be the most stubborn guy this side of Bud Selig. My only hesitation on Cutler is that he's proven to be a complete crybaby during this whole process...but in my opinion, his game offsets his terrible attitude. I guess Childress is comfortable staking his NFL coaching future to Sage and/or T-Jac.

April 1, 2009

I've Always Said, "That Lee Jenkins is a Genius"