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February 15, 2008

Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people

Just want to quickly touch on yesterday's shooting at NIU (yes, she's a slow one here today.)

CNN had reader's responses to the shooting, basically arguing about gun control. I would like to log the following response from Wayne Ellis of Allen, Texas in the "I can't believe I live in the same country with these morons" file:

"This is a perfect example to support allowing licensed people to carry guns on college campuses and even into classrooms as well as everywhere else. This shooter would have been killed before he could have gotten off more than two shots if other people there had been allowed to legally carry weapons. As the old cliché goes: "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." The restrictions on law-abiding citizens made them all easy prey for this or any other crazed shooter."

So basically, the shooter would have only been able to kill at the most two people before everyone else opened fire on him. Well, that's a pretty solid argument, can't really poke any holes in that one there Wayne. By the way, I'm not familiar with the 'old cliche' he mentioned but if you overlook it's inherent stupidity, that's a great point too. In defense of Wayne, he may have benefited from graduating from the 8th grade instead of following his dream of devoting his life to following NASCAR.


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Wayne must be a Ted Nugent disciple. I mean when I look for leaders, I look for Ted Nugent. I would imagine if everyone was armed there would be whole lot more dead than six after the free for all broke out. You know a guy like Wayne is waiting, wanting to be in one of those classrooms armed to the teeth.

February 15, 2008 at 2:26 PM

Blogger BG said...

I'll bet you Wayne would have been under the desk faster than you can say Lee Harvey Oswald. Seriously...

February 17, 2008 at 5:58 PM

Blogger MCA said...

They were saying the same thing after Va. Tech. And blaming the victims for not rushing the shooter. These are the people who think America has become a nation of pussies (projection, anyone?). They know they'll never actually have the chance to carry a weapon around town, so they can talk big about it.

This is part and parcel of the chickenhawk mentality. Knowing full well they'll never actually have to serve in the military, they talk all kinds of big talk about Iraq and supporting the troops and not retreating.

That's why they support Daddy Figure politicians who promise to keep them safe. Bush, McCain, etc. appeal to their deep insecurity about their own manliness, while allowing them to project their self-hatred outward to Muslims, Defeatocrats, traitors and the ACLU.

February 18, 2008 at 12:32 PM

Blogger Jan said...

What is also incredible is that the same gun dealer who sold the Va. Tech shooter a gun sold accessories to the NIU shooter and the dealer (in 'Sconny no less) has expressed shock and disbelief that it happened to him twice. Can I slap this guy? Please? Dude, you sell guns not fluffy bunny dolls.

February 18, 2008 at 2:28 PM


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