Moving On...
In response to jan's post below, wherein he bravely attempts to confront last Sunday's debacle and make some sense of it and how to go forward in fandom, rts stated:
"I hope the Colts humiliate the Saints. I don't really even care about the Super Bowl. Let's just get to Twins season."
I wholeheartedly concur. I've turned over that last football game in my head enough at this point. That team's cursed and I'm done burning any more of my dwindling supply of coal on them for the time being. I'm not going to deter anyone else from ruminating on it further; we all deal in our own ways. However, if anyone else wants to bury their head in the sand on the Vikes the way I do right now, I'm going to do my damnedest to provide you material to distract your mind and eventually focus it on beisbol, which been much better to me.
So, here goes. Chew on this one first: might we see something at least approaching Franchise '06 this season?
Even modest improvement over last year solves a lot of rotation issues for us, but if he can step up to be a #2 or 3 guy again? Look out, baby.
Also, in addition to the value of him not homering against us ever again, the Sox fan reaction to Thome's signing is by itself worth the entire $1.5M:
Schadenfreude is yummy. I've got a Sox fan in the office next to me and he's spent the entire week trying to convince me Thome's .370 OBP sucks because he's such a baseclogger. I'll take those walks when it means Morneau and Kubel advance to second and third all day long, suckers. I also can't wait for Danks and Floyd to regress to the mean this year while Freddie Garcia does nothing special and their Greatest Rotation Ever ends up looking just pretty good, to go along with an old, crappy, no identity lineup.