The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

January 29, 2010

Moving On...

In response to jan's post below, wherein he bravely attempts to confront last Sunday's debacle and make some sense of it and how to go forward in fandom, rts stated:

"I hope the Colts humiliate the Saints. I don't really even care about the Super Bowl. Let's just get to Twins season."

I wholeheartedly concur. I've turned over that last football game in my head enough at this point. That team's cursed and I'm done burning any more of my dwindling supply of coal on them for the time being. I'm not going to deter anyone else from ruminating on it further; we all deal in our own ways. However, if anyone else wants to bury their head in the sand on the Vikes the way I do right now, I'm going to do my damnedest to provide you material to distract your mind and eventually focus it on beisbol, which been much better to me.

So, here goes. Chew on this one first: might we see something at least approaching Franchise '06 this season?

Even modest improvement over last year solves a lot of rotation issues for us, but if he can step up to be a #2 or 3 guy again? Look out, baby.

Also, in addition to the value of him not homering against us ever again, the Sox fan reaction to Thome's signing is by itself worth the entire $1.5M:

Schadenfreude is yummy. I've got a Sox fan in the office next to me and he's spent the entire week trying to convince me Thome's .370 OBP sucks because he's such a baseclogger. I'll take those walks when it means Morneau and Kubel advance to second and third all day long, suckers. I also can't wait for Danks and Floyd to regress to the mean this year while Freddie Garcia does nothing special and their Greatest Rotation Ever ends up looking just pretty good, to go along with an old, crappy, no identity lineup.


Blogger Jan said...

MCA - Thanks for the distraction, I need to be clear that I will continue to ruminate about the '09 Vikes. Cathartic and healing.

As for el nationale pastimo bilblioteca, I signed up today for the lottery to get seats for the first series at "The Puck" (we're going to need to come up with some name for Target Field) and it got me excited. Seeing that link on Liriano and the word "filthy" used in relation to his slider rather than his attitude got me more excited. But what got me the most excited was this exchange on the link to the Sox's fan reaction to Thome's signing that read:

"Twins manager Ron Gardenhire won’t have an easy time finding at-bats for Thome."

"but he doesn’t give a shit because it’s jim thome for $1.5 fucking million."

In the words of John McClain "Yipee Kayee Motherfucker!"

(sorry, it felt good to get excited about a sport again, albeit briefly, now back to my Cure albums.)

January 29, 2010 at 12:29 PM

Blogger BG said...

Dudes - I, too, have continued to replay the last 19 seconds plus Overtime of the NFC Championship game, as it's just not fair that we dominated the flimsy Saints but will be home next weekend. Anyway, it has actually helped me to discuss it with the double-digit people at work who have stopped by to give me the shrug and wince. Like Jan, I have also generally avoided TV coverage...but I did read Peter King, who agreed that we were the better team but lambasted the coaching staff (Bienemy specifically) for the 12 men in the huddle penalty.

I LOVE the Twins chatter. I am definitely excited, and almost forgot that we are moving into a new park. Good f-ing times, boys.

The White Sox Schedenfreude is fabulous. The return a worse team, which aging hitters and a high risk / high return pitching staff (outside Beuehrle). Expect back-to-back Twins Central titles.

I saw a link on Gleeman's post entitled: Twins making progress on Mauer extension. Jan - any update from the great white north (that doesn't involve Sid Hartman)?

January 29, 2010 at 3:31 PM

Blogger BG said...

This may be in direct contrast to the objective of this post, but you guys MUST read Simmons this week. I'm the first to admit that he's not what he used to be, but let's just say his column is very Vikings focused, includes some hilarious emails from Vikings fans, and ranks the Vikes #2 (behind the Cubs) on the list of tortured fans / most susceptible to a level 1 loss. All in all, I guess it made me feel better. Misery loves company, I guess. Here's the Vikings entry:

2. Minnesota Vikings

Last Title: Never.

Last Truly Devastating Defeat: This past Sunday.

Rock Bottom: Hard to top four Super Bowl losses in eight years. (Although we just topped it with the Bills, so I guess it's not THAT hard.) But since there were so many rock bottoms, let's go with the first one: Super Bowl IV, when the Vikes were favored by 12 and ended up losing by 16 to the Chiefs. Before the game, a Vikings mascot tried to take off in a hot air balloon, failed and nearly crashed into the stands. Don't believe me? Go to the 20-second mark of this clip. It's like a deleted scene from a Christopher Guest movie. Not a good omen for the Vikes and big games. Call it a retroactive rock bottom.

Additional Thoughts: As Geoff said on my podcast, "If there's any upside [from Sunday's loss], it's that no city will be willing to lure the Vikings away." I bumped them ahead of Buffalo only because of their unparalleled streak: Every 10 years or so, they rip the intestines out of their fans. Happened in 1975 (the Hail Mary), 1988 (Darren Nelson), 1998 (Gary Anderson) and 2009 (12 men). ... By the way, none of those were the four lost Super Bowls. Not even the Red Sox annihilated their fans at such a consistently efficient pace.

January 29, 2010 at 4:00 PM

Blogger LH said...

I know there would be no game this Sunday regardless of the outcome last weekend, but just knowing there down is going to make this Sunday a little bit sadder....(i'm still stewing).

Loved the article on lefty...if that slider returns to anything like it was would be great to have him in the rotation.

January 29, 2010 at 5:55 PM

Blogger drinkingtommykramer said...

THATS IT!!!! Jan and I have been talking about what voodoo de-hexing we need. That fuckin hot air balloon! thats what started it all. Its been our curse since the first superbowl and has haunted us ever since. We need to redo that and have a successful launch. If need be, maybe we need to figuratively chop his head off. I don't know. BUt that's it.

February 1, 2010 at 9:58 AM


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