Torch Relay in SF - Mr. 3rd person...and mixed emotions
Guys, normally I probably wouldn't care much about this, but since it took place in my town of residence, I found myself engulfed in the debate. The general consensus is that the Mayor was overly cautious by pulling the bait and switch on all the spectators...with the torch emerging two miles from the starting point after disappearing into a warehouse. Essentially, they successfully avoided the largest groups of protestors, but they also avoided all the "fans" who came out to catch a glimpse of the olympic torch.
One part of me is happy that none of the runners got hurt (nor did any spectators), but part of me burns inside because my town basically caved in to the Chinese and Olympic organizers, preventing most people from seeing the darn thing. One could even argue that by avoiding the pre-planned torch route, they essentially legitimized the anit-Chinese / Pro-Tibet cause they were avoiding in the first place.
Oh buddy caught this footage on his cell phone. It's a bit grainy, but I think you'll recognize the African American runner...none other than Mr. USA Bobsled and one-day Viking wonder, Herschel Walker. If I had known, I would have been down there so I could have blamed him, face-to-face, for ruining our beloved team.
The video also shows that they clearly didn't manage to avoid all protestors...
That was probably what the people were booing at ...."booo screw you, 7 picks for one shoe-losing suck Walker" it had nothing to do with China's grossly underreported Human Rights violations, or its selfish disregard for the environment... If I was China, I'd be pissed that the U.S. picked Herschel the Turkey to run the torch anyway... I mean, I know he rocked on Sega '92 college football, but come'on.
I'm actually not a big fan of the whole torch relay thing anyway...I mean, I love the olympics, don't get me wrong. I think it is a great even for the world, and my objections have nothing to do with the games taking place in a totalitarian communistic regime... it's just, what's the point of the torch relay anyway? They weren't even running hard, or breaking a sweat, and half the time the torch is in a car or on plane anyway, what kind of relay is that?
April 11, 2008 at 1:15 PM
The wife was flipping channels last night and came across a ""Nightline" or some such story about Hershel and his new book. Did we all miss this a couple months ago? Hershel Walker is cuckoo for cocoapuffs? I won't make further comment for fear of karmic retribution, but the jokes are there for the taking. Just thought I'd pass this on in case the blog missed it.
April 15, 2008 at 11:25 AM
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