Mike Cox, Twins fan, says: "Move Cuddy to the 5 hole"
By way of introduction I came to know Mike Cox during my years at the U (go Gophers!) Mike grew up a Cubs fan in Ankeny Iowa as the Cubs AAA farm team plays out of Des Moines and as a youngster chose to actively follow the Mets (can you blame a guy from a state that has no major league sports teams?) However, in 2005 Mike ended his relationship with the Mets when Braden Looper came on in relief in the bottom of the 9th with a 1 run lead. Mike prepared to watch the events unfold when his wife walked by and said "Why do you watch these things, you know the Mets are going to blow it, they always do" in that way that only wives can say these things. Mike, who had been enjoying the fine taste of malted hops all day, hazily promised that if the Mets blow this game the Mets would be dead to him. Sure enough, Looper blows the lead and the Braves win 3-2 in 10 innings. Since then Mike has held true to his word and has left the Mets cheering ranks, returning to his roots with the Cubs full time and, as he resides in the Twin Cities, picked up the hard-playing, loveable Twins. I mention this story because as Mike and I were sharing a few beers last night watching the Wild game we began to discuss the Twins outfield, sharing in our distrust of Kubel (I did educate him on MCA's recent post about Kubel's effectiveness) and the lack of inspiration we feel from Cuddy when it's "go time." Mike suggested the Twins move Cuddy to the 5 hole and move Delmon up to the 3 spot. I, for one, like it. Not only because of the beauty of the move's simplicity but because the it's clear the Twins have added another fan to it's ranks. Whether or not Mike will abandon the Twins when Mauer grounds into a 4-6-3 double play down by one with one out in the bottom of the ninth, remains to be seen, but for now Mike lives in Twins Territory and I, for one, am happy to have him.
Jan, Please welcome Cox to the family. I remember watching Twins/Mets with him in 2002. Clearly, he wasn't a Twins apologist yet.
Like the Cuddy idea...Delmon would probably play better with the ego boost.
April 10, 2008 at 6:10 PM
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