I love a good practical joke as much as the next guy. Maybe even more so. I like to think I can take it just as I can dish it out. Which is why I am not even going to be angry when Major League Baseball reveals tomorrow that in early May they secretly replaced the Twins with a local Men's team out of Omaha and have been documenting it for the new HBO reality show "Soul Crushers: How Much Can One State Take?". Fuckin Hilarious.
I mean, if Punking the entire population of the 12th Largest State by Area helps promote and grow the game, then I'm glad we could be a part of Season One. It all makes sense now.
All Season long, I kept thinking, "where's the camera?". Right? How else would any of this make sense? It's all so clear now. Bud Selig has always been a visionary. So getting us all excited about our $112 million payroll and then secretly watching us helplessly watch those dollars swirl around the toilet before they flush down the drain is just fucking genius. Genius.
And getting these local hardware store clerks to play major league relievers is a great idea. Perfect casting. Totally had us fooled.
Fuck, it's so obvious now. Total egg on our face. It's going to be so embarrassing when we watch ourselves not even notice how totally unrealistic it was when they had our MVP, who sat out 8 months last year with a concussion - a baseball concussion- come back and then hurt his wrist for a while and when we didn't get the joke then because we are so stupid, they had to make up a storyline that he would miss this year with a nerve thing in his neck. Up the Ante til the idiot's from the farm break! It's so Johnny Knoxville walking around with the door stop in his pants.
plus, cleverly distracting us with all the pre-season excitement glow from our hometown All-Star doing great cameos in tourism ads when he should have been riding a stationary bike to get us to endlessly talk about how important it is that he's being a great part of the community so when they fake his season long series of injuries, it seems so much less hurty. Right? I mean, nothing rhymes with "Capita". YAY MINNESOTA!!!!
Here's one for you, Joe. Go Ask the piece of shit agency who came up with the turd commercial you starred in: What Rhymes with Shitty? That's correct. "8 games back in the worst division in baseball".
Anyhooo. Hats off, Ashton Kutcher.