This Crap's Got to Stop
I don't like him, but he's been making a lot of sense lately. The last few weeks have been just atrocious. And by that, I mean shitty in a way that's not good. If it wasn't for the miracle comebeack against the Phillies, this session of interleague wouldn't be just really bad, it would be disastrous. This team is just better than this. They have to be. This pitching may not be what we had hoped it was going to be, seeing as we aren't getting overproduction out of any of them (The only exception may be Pavano, though i'm holding out hope he's somehow returned to his all-star form, and is actually legit again, and this is not just some cruel joke), but this is not acceptable. If they don't go on one of their now standard summer runs, I'm going to be forced to start longing for the days of Alan Anderson and Les Straker.
This team should not be three games under .500 on the road. Especially when you get about 30% of them against the royals and indians. I'm aiming this at you, Gardy -- last time i checked you play 50% of your games on the road. So it shouldn't come as a shock. They didn't change the schedule, and you still need to play the first inning and each of the succeeding 8. So, how about we stop the not showing up ready to play in the first inning crap? Good teams end up winning more than 50% of them because they have to. We wear caps and sleeves in this league, fellas.