Hopefully all you guys got to see the match today because the ending was nothing short of extraordinary. Down to the final couple of minutes of additional time the team, and its captain stepped up. Short of a few select events (e.g. Kirby's walk-off in Game 6 of the '91 series, 2006 Texas/USC Rose Bowl) this ranks right up there with one of the best sporting event finishes that I've been lucky enough to witness.
I've been absolutely swamped at work and couldn't break free. Spent the second half on a conference call in someone else's office. Nonetheless, just reading quickly about the game and then watching the highlights on Gamecast was about enough to make me want to break out in the national anthem right here in the office. That was fucking tremendous.
Not to get ahead of ourselves or anything, but could have picked a better route to the semifinals than Ghana/winner of Uruguay-South Korea? I mean, they're all good teams to get to this point, but none of the big traditional powers to overcome here. If ever there were a year to do it, this would be it. Imagine the confidence we'd be riding coming into a semi against Brazil or Spain or the Dutch.
Also, Wimbledon today: are you fucking kidding me? 59-59? Ten hours?!?!?!?!
June 23, 2010 at 7:27 PM
I was mumbling and grumbling to anyone that would listen (my parents and wife were the only ones around, unfortunately for them), that we had completely dominated the game and should be up 3-0 and were still going to lose, blah blah blah, and then I blinked and Howard threw that goalie pass up to Donovan and the rest is history. MCA - sadly, as you probably read, the officials disallowed another goal, which would have staked us to a nice 1-0 lead in the first half...but in the end, justice was served, as the US advanced. I was thinking the same thing re: Ghana! We just played them in the '06 cup and should be moderately familiar with them. Overall, it's just amazing that we went from out of the tourney, to winning our group in a matter of seconds. LH - I'm with you. One of the best endings to any sporting event that I've ever seen live.
Quickly on the Twins: how about the CRAZY comeback at Philly on Saturday?!? Unbelievable...and more evidence that Thome needs some more at bats. Unfortunately, it has not translated into the hot streak I was expecting, as we've played two totally uninspired games at Milwaukee (I am watching right now...we look disinterested). Cuddy is not a good third basemen, by the way.
Headed to Gull Lake in the morning, but plan on hitting the pub up at the resort for the Ghana game on Sat.
June 23, 2010 at 10:15 PM
The was the most exciting soccer game I have ever seen, which is not too hard to do. The wide open play featuring attack after attack was incredible to watch. The agony of the ball refusing to go in was unbearable. The the story book finish was the exclamation point.
I had just watch the night before on ESPN from the 30 for 30 series, The Two Escobars about the 1994 Columbian soccer team. I highly recommend it if they show the replay. Anyway, they showed Columbia lossing to Romania in the game prior to playing the US. It was very similiar in that they kept getting opportunity after opportunity but the ball just would not go in the net. Unluckily, for them they did not have the fairy tale ending.
June 24, 2010 at 11:50 AM
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