I voted!
Done with that, I mailed in my ballot today. Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party got my vote for those wondering. The absentee ballot is the way to go. Not only was I able to avoid the lines but I was able to research each candidate online as I filled out my ballot. Sure, Ms. Mckinney had me from the moment she got rid of her corn rows and threw her phone at the security guard , but for the candidates running for PSC and other lower profile positions the added research made me feel a whole a lot better about my vote. The only downside I see is my vote probably won't count in some voting fraud scandal.
RTS - Thank you for taking part in the political process. Considering you are white & educated I wouldn't worry about being disenfranchised just yet. I had to do a little research to jog my memory of Ms. McKinney, didn't take long.
Curious, any initiatives on your ballot for, say, getting your school's their accrediation back?
October 29, 2008 at 9:10 AM
Actually yes, trying to go the wrong way. They want to be able to divert school funds for redevelopment projects. Can't make this up.
Amendment 2 - To authorize local school districts to use tax funds for community redevelopment purposes.
Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to authorize community redevelopment and authorize counties, municipalities, and local boards of education to use tax funds for redevelopment purposes and programs? ___ YES ___ NO
Under this amendment, school property tax revenue could be used to help fund redevelopment projects. Lawmakers passed a law in 1985 authorizing Tax Allocation Districts for redevelopment projects. This proposal responds to a state Supreme Court ruling earlier in the year prohibiting school tax money from being spent on anything other than education.Tax allocation bonds are government borrowings which are repaid specifically from future growth in the property tax digest of an area under redevelopment.
October 29, 2008 at 9:58 AM
So, how are those savings of yours for Annie's private school education?
October 29, 2008 at 10:05 AM
I had forgotton about Cynthia McKinney as well...I wish I still had forgotten about her- since she's on my "Least Favorite Politicians from Georgia" list.
excerpt taken from the Green Party's Nominating Committee this past summer:
"Ok, so Nader is giving us the Heisman, we need to pick someone else- any suggestions?"
"Should we pick someone who represents the ideals of our party-someone who would make a statement against the two-party machine that currently controls our political system, someone that we can be proud of that will represent our ideals of environmentalism, grass-roots democracy and social justics?"
"Well, we could do that, or we could go with that McKinney lady who needs a job right now... she'll probably say or do something really stupid during the campaign that will draw a lot of attention to our party- and without Nader, boy do we need some attention."
"Yeh, let's do that"
Good decision Green PArty, good decision.
October 29, 2008 at 11:23 AM
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