Argument in a bar - AJ & Nick Punto

At a bar on Friday night (as some of you may know from my text) I was asked by a friend what my thoughts were on the 2008 Twins. We'll call my friend "Fred" because, well, that's his name and there is no "protect the innocent" in my world, if the innocent are "innocent" they should get a lawyer (RTS - different "Fred" than you know.) As I reflected on the season I apparently stepped on Fred's toes, to put it mildly. Two topics came up that stoked the fires: AJ and Nick Punto. I didn't get ticked at Fred because Fred had some harebrained views rather it was because when I said that I hated AJ and that I thought Punto was not our solution at shortstop and that Punto actually cost us 3 or 4 games with errors in 2008, I was told, in no uncertain terms, "you don't know what you are talking about. You haven't watched nearly as many games or bet on as many games as I have and don't have a basis for your argument. Seriously, you are really off base and don't understand it." That's what he said to me. Honestly, I felt like I was in the Big Lebowski "you have no frame of reference here, Per. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie. . ."
So, I chalked most of it up to his being really drunk and not realizing he was being an assface. However, I woke up in the morning, ticked off and needing to prove my point and what better way than FTLOSBW.
The issue over AJ was my comment that I "hated him." Fred told me I was ridiculous and didn't realize how good AJ was. I tried to tell Fred that I hated him because he was a douchebag but Fred went on to detail some run in with AJ at a restaurant following Game 4 of the 2002 ALCS where the Twins were down in that series 3-1 and Fred's father approached AJ at that restaurant and said "Hey, thanks for the season" and AJ apparently responded "We're not done yet! ! ! It ain't over! ! !" in some sort of "I'm a competitor! ! !" inspiring way (remember, we then went on to get clobbered 13-5 in Game 5.) Fred continued by telling me how great AJ was when was with the Twins (yeah, knew that, thanks) and it wasn't his fault he was traded (again, I follow the team, I was 'up to speed' on that one too.) My point was, AJ is a dickhead. He reminds me of that kid on the playground who threw fits when things weren't going his way and always argued that the calls were going against him. I said nothing about him not delivering clutch hits or making plays, just that the guy is, well, a f'er. It hurts that much more when he delivers a clinch hit against the Twins because I don't like the guy as personally as I can get to know him through my t.v. and the internet. Ozzie sums it up perfectly: "You play against A.J., you hate him. You play with A.J., you hate him a little less."
Here are some examples of why I hate AJ:
Nick Punto
My rant on Punto wasn't that the guy was an poor infielder, it was that he was an average infielder and that he actually cost us games in 2008 with errors (I didn't mention his sometimes brutal plate appearances or the fact that he is as likely to hit .210 as he is .300.) This is where I got a little pissed as Fred got extremely condescending.
Just to prove that I wasn't talking out of my arse, here are a few games that Nicky's glove cost us this year that I remembered and was able to quickly Google and find.
May 31, 2008; Yankees v. Twins -
Punto’s fielding error led to three unearned runs. Twins lost 7-6 in 12 innings.
Aug. 28, 2008; M's v. Twins -
Bottom of 9th, up 2-1. Punto dropped a three-hop grounder from Jose Lopez for an error. Rookie pinch-hitter Clement hit into a double play that scored Beltre and sent the game to extra innings. Twins lost 4-2 in 11 innings.
Sept. 3, 2008; Toronto v. Twins -
Punto's error in the seventh allowed Toronto to tie the score 3-3 at the time; lost 5-4 in 11-innings.
To back up my "gut" feeling, I implore you to look at Aaron Gleeman's blog. Go down to the second bullet point for Tuesday, September 09, 2008.
I would like to just say: "In your face, Fred."
Had I been in the bar:
1) I would have been on your side of the AJ arguement. I thought everyone knew AJ was a cockball and that his Giant team mates absolutely hated him.
2) I thought Punto was known as a pretty good fielder, but we could certainly find someone better to play SS. So, I guess I am in the middle of you two on that one.
I think that I am proof that just because you bet games it does not mean you know more. It just means you have a gambling problem.
October 6, 2008 at 3:30 PM
RTS - you remember the days when you would have some sauces and get that far off look in your eye and someone would get under your skin and "Angry RTS" would appear and get a little beligerent? That's who I pictured with me when you said "Had I been in the bar" and that is who I would have wanted next to me.
I am seeing Fred tonight to watch the Vikes game. I am going to test the waters to see if he remembers our talk and use your "just because you bet games it does not mean you know more. It just means you have a gambling problem."
October 6, 2008 at 4:21 PM
Fred is an idiot...everyone knows that AJ is/was a good player, but, setting aside his desire to win- which I fully appreciate, just as important AJ is one of the bigger douchebags in MLB.... that's just a fact- no one can argue that. Besides, given our current situation, I believe that we would make the same move today, which should tell you something.
Re: Punto..I have a different opinion on Punto- while I don't think he's outstanding as an everyday SS, I do thing he's a valuable guy to have on the team in a utlity role. I think Punto did a serviceable job this year, evidenced by the following: 1.) his 0.973 FPCT this year was pretty solid, 2.)he played a meaningful number of games at 2B, 3B and SS, which is rare and valueable for a manager, and 3.).760 OPS and .284 avg, are btter than average, and most important 4.)our alternatives this year at SS- aka Adam Everett- the most feeble swinging player in the history of MLB- Punto's better than average .760 OPS trounces AE's pathetic .601 while besting AE's .967 FPCT.
October 6, 2008 at 5:38 PM
Jan, you bring a tear to my eye. We had some good times. However, it was the drinkers remorse the next day, that proved to be my kryptonite. Glad to see you are still at it, for now at least.
As I write this the Vikings just recovered a fumble after Greenway facemasked Bush. It is rather comical that they are leading this game right now.
Question: who would you rather have at short, Punto or Guzman, assuming #s like he had with the Twins?
October 6, 2008 at 8:46 PM
LH, I never said that I didn't think Punto was valuable to this team, he is the modern day Al Newman, which is saying something (what, I have no idea.) Seriously, I love Nicky Punto for the same reasons you do and he scares me for the same reasons. I value him on the squad, just thought that he isn't an everyday guy and I hope that either Greg Gagne comes out of retirement or Greg Gagne has a son he has locked up in a batting cage somewhere and has been raised on a steady diet of sharp grounders, turning 6-4-3 double plays, perfecting the art of the clutch 'blooper', and rain water for the past 20 years and is ready to be unleashed, that's all.
October 7, 2008 at 12:07 AM
RTS - Tough question. First blush I'd say Punto, upon further review, probably Guzman?
October 7, 2008 at 12:11 AM
orange55Isn't that the real issue though? You were putting the blame for those losses on Punto, when he was never mean't to be an every day SS... the fact that he was thrust it to that role an performed well the majority of the time should be to his credit. I put the blame for those losses on the organization for picking up THE WEAKEST SWINGING PLAYER IN THE HISTORY OF MLB to be our everyday SS last season...not on Punto for having to replace him.
We had no business winning that game last night-- what did Fred have to say about it?
October 7, 2008 at 10:43 AM
Great stuff, guys. I have softened my stance a bit on Punto, as he is a valuable utility guy...but I'd rather have Guzman. Dude was money in the field (I think, no stats handy) and he could be a spark at the plate (when he tried). Punto is worth keeping, he just shouldn't be an everyday starter.
AJ is a douche. End of story...that tale from Giants spring training is unreal. If I were that trainer, I might have taken a swing at him.
October 7, 2008 at 12:30 PM
What everyone else said. My guess is that Fred was not, in his tipsies, seeing the delineation between "liking" a player's contributions on the field and respecting their stats, and "liking" a player in the sense of thinking they're a quality person worth rooting for.
Punto's got a little bit of glue to him. He's not a MLB starter, and shouldn't have to be used that way. I'm with lh - it's the organization's fault we relied on him to start so much this year.
October 7, 2008 at 12:57 PM
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