The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

October 7, 2010

Game 2 Twins v. Yankmees: The Turd of October

Why do I like the word 'turd' to describe things like Twins or Vikings losses? Well, because it does so much and it's only four letters long.

1. Here is it defined.

2. Here is it being funny

3. And here is proof they can, in fact, be polished.

Oh, and fire Gardy. Sorry, just has to be done.


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

People in this part of the country are pretty split on Bobby Cox and his 14 pennants with only one World Series win. Gardy is definitely in danger of moving into Cox territory. Good manager, but he has to be able to win some when it counts. It isn't even a matter of winning a series. It is a matter of winning a game. One frickin' game. One game in which more of your runners cross the plate than theirs. This Yankee domination makes the 49ers and Cowboy domination over the Vikes in the 80s and 90s look competitive. All I know is this is sooooo old. It is amazing how fast I have flipped in 2 days.

Gamblor will be on the Yanks in game 3. I wonder how much one would be up if they bet the Yankees over the Twins every game the last 5 years.

October 8, 2010 at 7:22 AM

Blogger Jan said...

There is no one on this squad who has any fire or passion for winning or emits any type of confidence. Trade Cuddy, he is a loser. Oh, and trade Kubel too, in the post-season is 2 for 25. For those scoring at home that's a .080 BA.

October 8, 2010 at 8:33 AM

Blogger BG said...

Interestingly, I was thinking about Gardy's role in all of this. He's too even steven for his own good. Yes, getting tossed out of a game every now and then fires up your team, but it was too little too late last night. He's wired for a 162 game season, not a short series.

With that as a segue, I think I've figured out the problem. This team is built for success over 6 monhts, not six days. Think about it, we have a deep rotation, but no shut-down guy. We have a good, deep bullpen, but no one that is lights-out. We have a solid lineup, but absolutely no one that you have to pitch around (looking at you Mauer). Maybe Morneau is that guy, but he's not around this year.

Most damning of all, no one showed any fire last night, except maybe the O-Dog, who keeps saying there is no curse and that this is a new team. Ultimately, that's on Gardy. It might be time...

Oh - and Thome may have gotten us to the playoffs, but he hasn't done jack in the playoffs. At least Cuddy had a couple big hits in game 1.

This sucks. Go Vikes.

October 8, 2010 at 10:54 AM


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