The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

October 29, 2008

Brush with Fame: The Sidney Ponson File

Recently I came across a co-worker of my better half who casually admitted that she:

1. Hooked up (twice) with 1995 AL Rookie of the Year Marty Cordova


2. Knows Sidney Ponson

Random? Yes. Shocking? Definitely. Creepy? Yeah, kind of, at least the Ponson part.

Now, being the red,white, and blue lovin' Twins fan that I am I had to delve a little deeper (to protect the innocent, we'll call her: "Lucinda".) As it turns Lucinda's family has vacationed on the island of Aruba for years and got to know Sir Sid (not sure how they came across him but. . .) In the early part of this decade Lucinda was living in Atlanta (shout out to RTS) and both Sid and Marty found themselves on one of those hapless O's teams (67 wins in 2002, where have you gone Earl Weaver?) The O's were making a trip to Atlanta to play an inter league game against the Braves and Sid called up Lucinda to see if she and some of her friends wanted to go out with a few guys from the O's - Marty being one of them. And the rest is history.

Few notes:

1. When asked what Marty was like Lucinda said "total player." He even asked Lucinda to send him naked photos of herself and send them to him (she declined of course.) He was, however, "hot."

2. When asked about what Sir Sid was like Lucinda said "kind of a jerk. Not to me or my family but he doesn't think the law applies to him, hence his arrests and drinking issues." No shocker there.


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

2 questions immediately come to mind, is Lucinda hot and do I know her?

One of the sales assistants here used to nail Ryan Klesko. I am not sure who is higher up the chain. Probably, Marty since he has the Rookie of the Year hardware.

October 29, 2008 at 12:37 PM

Blogger BG said... this Lucinda is one of those sports groupies. I've always wanted to delve into the psychological makeup of women like that.

Becoming friends with Ponson has to be one of the most random things I've ever heard. He really must be omnipresent in Aruba. Seriously.

October 29, 2008 at 2:27 PM

Blogger MCA said...

rts, apologies if my sarcasm meter is a little off here, but that's absurd. Klesko won a World Series (in which he hit 3 homers), had close to 300 homers and 1000 RBIs, and played on a major market team that went to the playoffs every year for the bulk of his career. Cordova had one good season and only lasted 7-8 years in the majors on terrible teams in crappy media markets.

I'm also curious to know whether or not I'm acquainted with "Lucinda." I'm scanning my memory to think of people from high school who routinely vacationed in the Caribbean.

October 29, 2008 at 2:41 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Nobody on this blog knows Lucinda and while she knows Ponson I would hardly characterize her as a "sports groupie." It is, however, one of the more random things to know Sidney Ponson. It's like saying "I went on a fishing trip with my friends Basil McRae and Tony Campbell."

October 29, 2008 at 2:58 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Fair enough MCA, I guess I was not as up on NL 1B as I thought. Don't forget I was under the impression that Cordova was Twin killer until that myth was debunked on here.

Jan you fail to answer is she hot. Also it would be more like saying I want on a fishing trip and blew Basil McRae.

October 29, 2008 at 3:04 PM

Blogger Jan said...

RTS - Yes, she is attractive, afterall this is the AL Rookie of the Year we're talking about.

October 29, 2008 at 3:10 PM

Blogger LH said...

I once played pick-up basketball with the late Kirby Puckett at the Hiway 100 Northwest Racquet Swim & Health Club. I was probably 16 yrs old. We were on the same team (skins) and I remember going up in the air for a rebound and bumping into him- it was like hitting a brick wall. While I never made out with him (I was still a minor), I was on the receiving end of a Puckett outlet pass. Upon returning from my triumphant layup he referred to me a McHale the rest of the game.

At the time that was a pretty cool nickname to have, however, given the last decade of horrendous decisions McHale has made as GM- I now believe that Kirby knew a little something about that and was, in fact, calling me an idiot.

October 29, 2008 at 3:45 PM

Blogger Jan said...

LH - love it. Can totally see you getting a little spring in your step from Puck calling you "McHale." Despite the difference in size, athleticsm, college and pro Hall of Fame careers, & front office ineptitude with the Timberwolves you are exactly like McHale.

I heard a rumor from buddies that played pick up ball with Puck at that same Northwest Athletic Club that he could dunk. True?

Also, I've noticed that over my 7 years of friendship with you there are a lot of stories you tell that include lines like "We were on the same team - skins" and "I remember . . . bumping into him."

October 29, 2008 at 4:07 PM

Blogger MCA said...

Meaning, of course, that LH has a closet full of Coogi sweaters and sounds like he just stepped off the set of "Fargo."

October 29, 2008 at 6:58 PM

Blogger Jan said...

MCA - had to look up "Coogi"; never knew that was the brand name, I always called them "Bill Cosby Sweaters." My uncle from Virginia, MN has like 50 of them.

October 30, 2008 at 8:42 AM

Blogger LH said...

I also knew them as Bill Cosby sweaters...but I think I'll throw Coogi out there every once in awhile to see people's reactions.. thanks MCA.

Funny you should mention Bill Cos...uh Coogi sweaters, because I distinctly remember going to Wolves games in the late 90s/ early 2000s and there would sit Kirby at the end of the court.. getting bigger and bigger every year with his stretched Coogi sweaters... Kirby was many things, but fashion forward he was not... (I miss Kirby)

Jan- I'm not sure if Kirby could dunk, but I don't doubt it- I remember being astonished how quick and explosive he was given his mack truck-like build. I remember saying at the time "Kirby reminds me of a middle-aged, athletic, black, Jan Stenerud"'s an even truer statement today.

October 30, 2008 at 10:41 AM


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