Where are they now...Clem Haskins

Saw this on ESPN.com today. Take a look if you have time over lunch.
Couple things strike me:
1) Clem really doesn't feel like he did anything wrong, which is shocking.
2) I believe him, however, when he says he was just trying to help these kids. The problem is that cheating to get someone through school is hardly helpful.
3) In the end, I'm glad he's at peace with himself, but I'm surprised he's been able to disappear so easily.
Good find BG. When I win the lotto, I hope I can disappear as easily.
Clem's comments about helping the kids, while different, reminds me of comments I read by Dan Gable. When questioning his disciplinary actions, giving kids 2nd and 3rd chances, Gable's position was along the lines of some of these kids have nothing but wrestling, if that is taken that away from them, then what will happen to them? How does that help the student athlete? It is definitely backward logic. The program needs to the reward not the crutch.
August 4, 2008 at 8:06 AM
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