The BS Bulletin
We all know what high school Jan and I went to, I don't want to mention it by name so I will just call it the TBS from here on. Anyway, I received the new TBS Bulletin in the mail yesterday. It is the size of a magazine and fills in alumni on the current state of TBS as well as stories regarding alumni. In the back is a section that is devoted to updates on alumni, sent in by the alumni and organized by year. There were 6 for the class of '92. As I read them, I felt the same loathing that so many people have felt towards TBS. A quick recap and my thoughts on those 6 individuals:
Sam S writes that he is living in London with his new wife working for some big firm. If in the Nottinghill area please look him up.
Dear Sam S, You were one of the biggest dicks in high school. I am guessing not much has changed. I will pass on visiting you on my vacation, but thanks for the offer.
Lindsay M writes that she is a living in France and enjoys skiing and that she regrets she could not make the reunion.
Dear Lindsay, my ass you regret making the reunion as it did not include the year above us that you worshiped so much.
Mayank K writes that he is going to school at USC and that a play he wrote is currently being preformed in LA. If in the area, he advises that we see it.
Dear Mayank K, the last time you wrote in you were in DC helping underprivileged kids and that it was more rewarding than anything else. I am glad you sold out those kids dreams for you own. Also, could not help but notice you would rather have people see your play rather than actually see you.
Toru T writes that he is working for a Japanese publication and is currently doing work in Iraq.
Dear Toru, congratulations but I thought you were a junior when we were seniors.
Tim E writes that he is studying Portuguese and will soon be doing something or other in Rio de Janeiro.
Dear Tim E, as someone native to Russia (or one of the countries that used to be in Russia) I always thought you had a pretty rough time in high school. Good for you and good luck.
Kelley R writes that she has been living in Thailand for the last 2 years.
Dear Kelley, I know and so does everybody else because an email with 300 names on it is sent weekly updating your status.
Here is my submission, RTS writes that he is living in the south and is amazed at all the things that we took for granted in MPLS. He is currently working for an Equity Capital Markets group. The "excitement" of the market has started to take affect in his appearance as he is starting to gray rapidly and has a habit of flying off the handle. He would like everyone to know that the stress you read about in starting your own business is very real and helps contribute to gray hair and mood swings as well. RTS spends most of his free time doing puzzles, reading books, doing art projects and going places with his daughter.
Or even better my uncle's, class of 72 or something like that.
Don writes I have been living off the grid since I dropped out of Berkley and Cornell in the 70s. I sold my computer company circa 1980 and have been living off that since. My goal has been to make less than $12k a year so I don't have to pay taxes. I am most likely living in a house (shack) much like Ted kaczynski. I am totally self sufficient and my place runs on solar power. Please do not come looking for me.
Now I may be being petty and childish but this thing definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe this wasn't the forum to post it and it should have just been an email to Jan.
Probably right, rts. Although now that we've spent more of our lives post-high school than pre-high school, I am truly a little curious from time to time about the fates of classmates.
Was that the same Kelley R. who was at jan's wedding?
MCA would like to tell his fellow OHS alums that he doesn't even remember most of them, and hasn't spoken or corresponded with a single one of them in at least five years. Bet you didn't expect that when you voted him Class President 4 years running, did you? MCA sometimes feels uncharitable, and imagines with disdain that you're living in the Dirty MP, spending your weekends snowmobiling to Waconia and back. But mostly he hardly even remembers high school anymore. Have you ascended to even greater heights than that Friday night when we all outran the cops in the woods behind someone's house and reconvened at the Arcola Bridge, or was that the peak for you?
February 22, 2008 at 10:26 AM
RTS, that was hilarious. Loved it.
Here is what I would put -
Jan Stenerud -
Class of '92 grad Jan is currently living in St. Louis Park. While happy with the education he received at TBS, he still harbors resentment at how he was treated by fellow classmates during his formative years. While he is in touch with a small handful of fellow grads who were actually real people and not stuck up assfaces who lived on Lake Minnetonka/Wayzata (you f'ers know who you are) he has decided to take the advice from Bill Murray in Rushmore and has taken dead aim on the rich boys, getting them in the cross-hairs, and preparing to take them down. He wanted to let people know that karma is a bitch and he hopes most of you will get what you deserve.
February 22, 2008 at 11:49 AM
It is the same Kelley R. I do like her but if there is anyone I do not need an update on it is her.
MCA way to use the little people and then cast them aside. I love it.
Jan, I thought I had some resentment but I think you out did me.
For the record, I did mail in a photo of all the TBSers at my wedding. So I have contributed to this thing I have come to loathe. Also I do look for my name in the list of contributors edition that comes out. More importantly, I look for the super rich kids that did not donate.
February 22, 2008 at 12:24 PM
You call it "resentment", my therapist calls it "dangerous resentment", I call it "potentially cathardic if I act upon it one day and climb into a clock tower with a gun." Oops, I've said too much.
I don't 'give' to TBS. In the words of Groucho Marx "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."
February 22, 2008 at 1:09 PM
I know you don't give, like I said I look. If I can help one kid whose parents are in the top 1%of the population get that ivory back scratcher that they need, then I have done my job.
I don't know if you have ever looked at my profile on here, but I too quote Groucho.
Slow one here today.
February 22, 2008 at 1:37 PM
Thankfully, big public schools with auto-shop programs, like HHS, do not have newsletters. I missed the reunion and correspond (1-2 times per year) with all of about 3 or 4 people out of a class of 500. HHS was much more of a melting pot than OHS or TBS, so probably not as much resentment, but I'm not sure who annoys me more in retrospect: the "cool kids" that are now snowmobiling to Waconia with the aforementioned OHS guys, or the over-achievers I hung around too much that would give those TBS jaggoffs a run for their money.
Good stuff, RTS.
February 22, 2008 at 4:36 PM
RTS: While I don't have a f__ clue who any of these people are- I laughed my ass off... it might be because I am just now beginning to end what was an 11 hour day of a 70 hour work week, but either way..thanks, I needed that. And please don't keep these kind of things between you and Jan, I'd feel like I was missing out.
LH would like to tell his fellow AHS tht he doesn't remember most of them either...though it's not because he forgot you, its because he never knew you. He remembers sitting there at commencement thinking to himself "I swear I have never seen 75% of these people in my life" and "I always thought that was one of the janitors", and "What in God's name were that girls parents thinking when they decided that conceiving a child would be a good idea"...
With that said, he misses you all. He no longer lives in your wonderful state he moved, not one of the Dakotas...way west- which means left if you were looking at a map of the United States of America- the country in which you live in.
He's doing well, no that doesn't mean he's driving a Camero or a Monte Carlo... it simply means that he's happy more often than not.
February 22, 2008 at 8:32 PM
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