Vikes v. Kitties Recap
1. That would have been a 3 point win in other years. They are a bad football team. Are there 6 Lions fans with a blog out there called something like "From the Land of Unionized Labor Gone Wrong and Broken Business Models" where they are critiquing Matthew Stafford's arm angle? Can't imagine after 10 years of this people would care anymore.
2. What a play maker in Percy Harvin. I can't find the video but while he had 3 catches all day, his 40 yard "catch, get hit, amazingly stay on his feet, and run" was exciting.
3. AP - As my father-in-law put it after this run "Jeez, he is just a MAN out there." Found these stats unreal particularly when you consider he is YOUR starting running back. From Bob Lurtsema's Vikings Update via; (read the second one twice and think about it.)
- "Peterson set a team record for fewest games needed to reach 4,000 yards, doing it in 39 games. Chuck Foreman is next on the list and needed 57 games to reach that milestone
- Peterson is tied for fourth in the NFL for fewest games needed to reach 4,000 yards. Eric Dickerson holds the league mark, reaching the milestone in 33 games. Curtis Martin and Jim Brown each did it in 38 games"
4. Favre was again surgeon-like (yes, it was the Lions.)
5. Sidney Rice with 201?!?!? Wow. He was 9 shy of Sammy White's single game Vikings record (also set against the Lions.) Would have bet dollars to doughnuts Moss would have that record, right? Moss put up 204 yards in 1999. Childress said in his press conference that he was aware that Rice was close to White's record and they even threw him a ball at the end of the game to try to break the record but Rice dropped it. After the drop Rice promptly went over to the sidelines and did push-ups.
5. Anyone feel like our defense is going to get on a hot streak at some point this season and get a bunch of turnovers? I do.
P.S. I think the Saints are the 1998 Vikings.
P.P.S. Following BG's post last week of "Silence is deafening" - I've decided to get a little more dedicated to this blog so, like Sidney Rice, I'm going to start doing push-ups after a day goes by when I don't post something. Now, I'm going to start with '1' push-up as punishment, still a ways from my 'fighting weight' so I gotta work into it. . .
You beat me to the punch on the Sidney Rice stat. I was going to post it as a trivia question. The funniest part about it is that Sammy White set the record against the Lions.
Sorry I don't have more to add, I did not see the game.
November 16, 2009 at 9:32 AM
I know I've said this before, but i feel it needs repeating. I have never enjoyed watching a Viking team as much as I am enjoying watching this team.
Even those great teams, while impressive on the field (no question that 98 team was one of the most dominating teams in the last 20 years) they sort of made you ashamed of yourself. How many prima donnas did we have to defend to friends from othr cities? I love cris carter, but the guy made sure you knew when he was angry on the sideline. He was the self appointed leader of a leaderless team. Randy Moss -- no need for comment on what an asshole he was, Robert Smith - more worried about finishing whatever post grad thesis he was working on, than staying in bounds and taking a hit for the team. Randall Cunningham -- not a prima donna, but maybe that was the problem. After that Daunte, darren, etc etc etc All lead by he biggest prima donna c-suckr of all - Obese Dennis Green. He was simply the worst. Not to mention gross.
I feel like this team is more like a bunch of Rndal McDaniels. Awesome, hard working, and care about winning more than how many times they get the ball.
And thats largely because of Bret Favre. It's hard to be a prima donna and act like you're NFL royalty when the guy getting the snap sort of already earned the crown and everyday reminds you why by the way he plays on the field. I think Favre sucks all the air out of any young players "I'm Here to Get Paid" balloon. And I think if he didn't Jared Allen would pop it with his fist.
I felt empty when they were on the bye week. I want to spend a week in Jamaica with them.
November 17, 2009 at 8:03 AM
For as much as we bag on Chilly in this forum, I must admit that he and the "triangle of authority" have assembled a team that seems to be instilled with a no-nonsense, team-first, check-the-ego-at-the-door mentality.
That game was actually a lot of fun to watch, because we actually played marginally and still won by 17 points. We had 300 yards in the first half, yet only led 10-3. You knew we'd break through in the 2nd. And yes, the 2007 or 1997 or 1987 VIkings would have won 17-14.
Totally agree that Jared Allen is the leader-in-waiting after Favre (likely) retires following this season. Did you see the poll on Sunday where they asked fans to come up with a nickname for the front four (akin to the Purple People Eaters)? Best one was "3 men and a mullet."
Oh yeah, check out this awesome link, speaking of Allen's mullet:
November 17, 2009 at 3:00 PM
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