Fare thee well, oh Metrodome

DTK and I attended the 162nd game of the 2009 Twins baseball season today. Last minute decision and it worked out perfectly as we found street parking a block from the Dome, paid $20 for General Admin seats, and walked in just as Kubel hit his first of 2 home runs. We sat in row 31 (yeah, the last row in the upper deck, see pic) which actually were decent as we had a view of the whole stadium and field (minus the JumboTron - btw: remember how big a deal that things was?) With a 13 to 4 win there were no lowlights to the day.
As a special commemoration they handed out homer hankies from every year they had them (kind of a crap shoot, DTK and I both got a 2004 homer hankies, the drunk old broad next to us got a 2006) and they also handed out a 'certificate of attendance' that basically says "Be it known to baseball fans everwhere that on October 4, 2009 (Insert Name Here) witnessed the final regular-season game ever played at the HHH Metrodome yada, yada, yada" signed by Dave St. Peter, Jim Pohlad, and Gardy. Kind of humorous and kind of awesome. Overall, it was an excited "playoff" atmosphere with "MVP" chants for Mauer, scoreboard watching and cheering for the CHW, and a lot of homer hanky waving. We both walked away feeling that there is a little magic left in that old place. Hang on to your hats for Tuesday!
Finally, because it was a special day, they honored Twins of the past with a huge ceremony with basically everyone you ever remember doing something for the Twinkies. Really cool as it not only brought back memories you had forgotten you had but it made you reflect on a team and a stadium that was, yes, special. They announced the 18 players who made the "All Metrodome Team" (see here) and played the final and top 3 greatest Metrodome moments (see here.) In all honesty, I got a little choked up and teary-eyed as they played a tribute to Puck and then had his son, Kirby Puckett Jr., remove the final number from the "Countdown to Outdoor Baseball." The finale of the ceremony was kicking it over to Target Field where Killebrew, Carew, and Oliva raised the flags that will fly over the new stadium. (Oh, and learned this weekend that a special feature to the new stadium will be in center field where there will be a huge sign of the Twins logo where the guys are shaking hands across a river (see here) and when a Twins player hits a home run the guys in the sign will shake hands.)
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October 5, 2009 at 1:05 PM
Does it feel right to you guys that Molitor made the All Metrodome Team?
I love Mollie, don't get me wrong- and I have very fond memories of him as a Twin (his skills and value are not in question), but to me he was a Brewer that played for the Twins and doesn't really fit-in with everyone else on this list. I much would have rather seen Morneau at 1st and Hrbek at DH, or something like that.
October 5, 2009 at 1:07 PM
I had to look up Molitor's timeline on baseballalmanac.com. He played for 3 years on the Twins, durning the dark years, after 3 years on the Blue Jays. I would rank the Twins third on his list as he won a WS with the Jays. I would say he is no more a Twins hall of famer than Dave Winfield is (2 seasons). For a true DH who else would you put in there though?
Jan, I did not know they actually sold those seats. I thought that people just tried to sneak up there and have sex. Wait a minute...
Can we freeze time right now? I am in sports nirvana with the Vikes 3-0, the Twins going into game 163 and the Hawkeyes 5-0.
October 5, 2009 at 1:47 PM
Jan - I got goosebumps just reading the recap of yesterday! Love the classy move to remember Puckett. I am dying over here (currently jet-lagged in Tokyo) not being able to follow this closely. Have there ever been back-to-back nights with bigger hype at the dome? Gotta run...Go Twins!
P.S. What's the deal with Cabrera?!? What a moron...I wonder if they'll leave him home.
October 5, 2009 at 4:43 PM
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