Vikes v. Steelers Recap
Alright, we lost this one. I didn't think we'd win going in so I was happy to see a good game and the fact that we played tough. Our loss was pretty flukey if you ask me, the fact that two balls are returned in the 4th quarter for tuddies (one from a deflection from sure-handed Chester Taylor) doesn't happen very often. We played well, at no point were we dominated or did we roll over and concede. The kick-off return by Harvin and the subsequent defensive stand proved we've got "big game balls." That didn't feel like a loss as much as it felt like a tie. I don't know, in years past I would be throwing a rope over the rafters and stepping up on a chair but I feel okay tonight. Don't get me wrong, losing sucks and we had that game but I didn't think we'd be 16-0 either. Oh, and I'm not one to bitch about officiating (okay, I might be) but there were at least 2 calls that were blatantly home-town calls: the leg whip or whatever it was on Rice's tuddy and the defensive false start call was so unbelievable that that announcers had to look it up in the rule book to see what exactly was called.
Game Balls -
1. AP for this (click here); I can watch this over and over and over. I love him. I really do.
2. Sidney Rice for his 136 yards & that unreal sideline catch.
3. Percy Harvin (click here.)
4. Favre. Anyone just feel, well, confident with him? When was the last time you felt this comfortable with a QB? I'd argue never? Sure, Cunningham but that was pitch and catch this is different. . .
5. VIkes defense. We looked good and were inches from 2 or 3 more INTs. Like they way they are playing.
On a related note, yours truly and DTK will be traveling to Lambeau this coming weekend for the Vikes v. Pack Part Deux. We'll be arriving on Saturday night and staying at the Best Western Midway and staying thru Monday. Can't tell you how excited we are about this recent development. Got the tix from some guy in Appleton ($300/ticket) between the 20 and 30 yard line behind the Packers bench, 29 rows up. Neither of us have ever been but this just felt so right. I think AP is going to go nuts.
(Oh, and I read Peter King this morning, he can go eat a dick that fat piece of crap. Did he watch the same game? He writes this morning like we got our asses handed to us all day. What a douchebag.)
We all knew Favre would have some games like this. Let's just hope they are few and far between.
Have fun at the game. I assume you will be decked out in purple. I hope you can interview some pucker fans to mock.
October 26, 2009 at 2:09 PM
im not sure i think favre had too bad of a game. he drove them down several times on great drives, albeit two of them stalled, but one was from getting fucked on ridiculously bad call. i don't blame him for the INT. that was on chester taylor - who almost never does that. my biggest thing is, we didnt quit. and we didn't panic. and thats new for this team. frankly, it's new for this franchise. it's possible it's new for this state.
i dont want to sound like a favre apologist because there were defintely some moments where he was not sharp. but overall, i thought he was pretty impressive. and sidney rice is becoming an excellent receiver.
October 26, 2009 at 5:28 PM
RTS -- also, i want to point out tat today, your noble and esteemed members of congress found some time away from raising your healthcare premiums to pass this:
H.Res. 368 - Congratulating the University of Iowa Hawkeyes wrestling team on winning the 2009 NCAA Division I National Wrestling Championships
October 26, 2009 at 5:32 PM
Guys - interesting feeling yesterday. At the beginning of the season, under no scenario did I think we'd win at Pittsburgh. You know what I'm saying, right? When you surf the schedule at the beginning of the year and say "Win, win, loss, win, loss, etc."...not even in the best case scenario did I have us winning at the ketchup bottle. As a result, I was bummed by the loss, but not distraught, as we did essentially outplay them, aside from the two flukey defensive scores.
I am in love with Sidney Rice. Dude is money. That catch along the sidelines was a thing of beauty.
And although Favre wasn't perfect, it's so weird to not be the least bit worried that the QB is going to be the primary reason that you lose a game. We lost because of some sketchy pass protection, some really sketchy officiating and a flukey Troy Williamson moment from Chetty Taylor.
All in all, I'd trade a loss at Pitt for a win at Lambeau next Sunday. I hope that DTK and Jan can bring home a W. I am looking forward to the photo essay and lengthy blog entry that will follow the trip.
October 27, 2009 at 1:00 AM
Regarding H.Res. 368, they can pound that in their ass until the Dept. of Education can fix what is wrong with Title IX which is causing the decimation of wrestling. I am sure some Congressman from Iowa got it through and no one even looked at it or cared. Why do they do this anyways? It happened 6 months ago. They aren't going to go to the White House. I am sure most wrestlers would prefer to get a scholarship or just have programs at all instead of some stupid house resolution. They need to sit down and fix Title IX instead of making male athletes who don't play football suffer.
October 27, 2009 at 8:36 AM
RTS- trust me, that resolution is the MOST productive thing they've done all year. I'll let you in on a little secret about Title iX and congress -- have you seen a picture of the Speaker of the House? It's not the fat guy who was a former wrestling coach anymore. He loved wretsling and hated title IX. So much so that some people argued he was too focused on that and not enough on stopping the creepy gay congressman who was having internet sex with underage male pages. The CURRENT Speaker looks a lot different and has a vagina with teeth. If she has her way, the only wrestling left will be between three drag queens she appointed to run GM fighting over the second seat on a zipcar on their way to a vegan festival at the Big House which Congress required to be converted into a windfarm. Point is, your government will not be happy until 75% of all collegiate athletic funds are spent on the 20% of women who choose to play sports. In fairness, 10 percent of those women actually want to play sports, and five percent of those are actually capable. And two percent of those actually DO bring in revenue (i mean, i assume some colleges charge for girls beach volleyball or foxy boxing).
but i promise you if you wrote her a letter, she'd send one back saying she understood your concerns and thats why congress passed a resolution congratulating the mens wrestling team on their national championship.
October 27, 2009 at 10:26 PM
Exactly as I picture Washington to work. I can not wait for the day when MCA can no longer hold it in and the two of you square off. I expect MCA to throw facts and figures around only to be counter punched with sarcasm and challenges to his patriotism.
October 28, 2009 at 7:54 AM
This blog reflects America where all opinions can be expressed without fear of censorship (even "vagina with teeth" gets its day in the sun.)
What I find odd is that the more time I read papers, watch t.v., and listen to the current administration and our Congress, the more I tend to agree with DTK. Don't get me wrong, Bush/Cheney are evil and screwed this whole thing up and the Republican party is full of insane people I would like to put on an island, but the Democrats are no better. Why can't we find the middle of the road politicians who are out for the little guy, anti-big business, and don't think the government should be running car companies, where is Jesse Ventura when we need him?
October 28, 2009 at 8:49 AM
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