The Dose: What up, yo?
Just some thoughts as the baby crawls around on the floor, pulling herself up and trying to walk (fun stuff, just wait BG):
1. The Fair kicked off yesterday, marking the end of Minnesota's Summer. Sweet Martha's Cookies grosses $1.3M in sales over the 10 days. Think about it.
2. "Schism" - sure you've heard about the schism at Winter Park. Not sure if you saw Sports Center but Jared Allen, tongue planted firmly in cheek, responded: "Schism??!?!? I don't even know what that word means or how to use it in a sentence. I thought it was an STD at first and I was like "whoa, we practice abstinence around these parts." I like this guy.
3. Twinkies - Honestly, do we have a shot at anything?
4. Ted Kennedy died. When does Chappaquiddick come up in the retrospectives?
5. Went to a "open scrimmage" at The Bank last Saturday. The whole thing is finished now and pretty f'ing sweet!