The Circle Is Complete
Gents - I had a chance to meet up with LH briefly on Saturday after the game, so now we all know each other. LH, thanks for the text; sorry I had to guzzle a beer and run, but my presence was demanded for late afternoon at home since I was going to miss the day yesterday. Glad we got at least a brief chance to chat, and I hope your flight back to LA was uneventful yesterday.
Sorry to all for jinxing us at Wrigley yesterday, but I see at least three reasons it's not my fault we didn't sweep:
1. As BG noted in a text, that lineup, with no Span, no Cuddyer, and no Crede, "sucks nuts."
2. Speaking of, was Crede totally unavailable today? At at least two different points in the last three innings, he would have been a nice PH insert. I'd think if Gardy needed to give him a day off in the series, then with Harden and Wells going the first two days, he'd pick one of those instead of taking him out against a lefty.
3. If Tolbert's going to play, why on Earth is he batting leadoff? I'd rather have Punto there, for crying out loud. Harris is hitting a hundred points higher and probably has 150 points of OBP over Tolbert. He is totally clueless at the plate. Lilly was blowing 87 MPH fastballs by him like it was me up there.
4. Likewise, Crede catches at least one, if not both of those balls in the 9th. He also definitely does not let Lee slide in under him or drop the throw on the play at third.
5. Crain should not be on the roster, much less on the hill. Not to mention Nathan had fully warmed up in the 8th. I know you'd rather not use him three days in a row unless it's a save situation, but bringing in Crain to pitch in that high stress a situation is throwing in the towel. Ayala pitched a perfect 8th in about 10 pitches, too - why take him out?
6. I like our chances with two on, one out and Mauer and Morneau up in the 9th. Couldn't ask for much more than that. Justin's officially in a slump; he hit about two solid balls in this series.
Other notes:
- F.O.B. Lucas when Gomez stole third: "It doesn't really matter, though, with two outs." Me after Punto bunts for a single: "Really? Welcome to Twins baseball!" Lucas: "The Cubs have never had two guys on the team that could pull that off." I pointed out that that's the sort of thing that routinely gives Hawk Harrelson a heart attack, so the Cubs aren't alone.
- Gomez both kept us in it with his bat, and cost us the first run through fear of the brick wall. I'll forgive that one, though. We had no ability to manufacture much yesterday, so he swung for the fences and cleared them when no one else could. Wind was steady from center - Fukudome should have had two dingers but got none, so Gomez smoked that ball that went out.
- Delmon is completely lost. At some point, does he hit bottom and start asking the coaching staff for help? He needs to start all over again. That play in the ninth was not his fault, though - he was playing prevent a double defense and the ball died in the grass in shallow left. He made a strong and accurate throw that Tolbert plain dropped.
Nice work on meeting up, MCA and LH. Sign of the times that two "bloggers" who write for the same "blog" meet up after a year and a half of writing back and forth - kind of like "You've Got Mail" only LH is much cuter than Meg Ryan. F.O.B. B.S. also ran into LH at the game on Friday, small world at Wrigley.
It was good to take 2 of 3 and MCA you were never on the hook for a loss yesterday unless you pulled a Bartman.
Gardy's use of Tolbert in the lineup absolutely drives me crazy. Put him at #8 or #9. Or better yet, have him bat f'ing lead off in Rochester for a few months.
Reusse has an article on D Young that I put on the "Holy Bejebus" that is apropos for your comments.
June 15, 2009 at 3:17 PM
MCA- Great to finally meet you. Thanks for making an effort and meeting up for a beer, especially given the craziness of the post-game red ivey. I'm glad we were able to complete the circle.
While I was sad to think about a W being raised over Wrigley field yesterday afternoon, there were a few positive things I learned on this road trip:
1.) Kubel can hit the sh&t out of the ball. His shot on Saturday cleared the stadium in right field- apparently only the 2nd ball to do that this year,
2.) Swarzak has potential- hopefully he doesn't get too down on himself after being optioned back to Rochester after pitching the game of his life on Saturday. A friend of one of the guys I took the trip with sat right next to Swarzak at a bar during some art fair Chicago was having...he was seemingly by himself.
3.) Joe Mauer is going to be a good hitter some day,
4.) Chicago Cubs fans like to drink.
5.) Joe Nathan loves to play baseball. Before the game during batting practice Joe was out in the field shagging fly balls and line drives among other pitchers/role players. Joe was easily the most animated/energetic running around- going after well hit balls, launching multiple balls into the stands. By comparison Liriano looked like he was pissed off that he had to be out there, and would noly reluctantly retrieve balls hit his direction. I know it was only one day, but it just seems like Nathan gets it.
June 15, 2009 at 5:41 PM
Cubs fans have good reason to drink. As a Cub fan friend put it to my dad yesterday, "How does it feel to follow a team that's done something positive during your lifetime?"
I get the point in Reusse's column, and to his credit he's trying to couch it in "I just don't get it" language instead of with his usual "this guy stinks" charm, but I still question whether it's appropriate for a column in a wide circulation paper.
As much as I grumble about Young's performance, and as frustrated as I am with his regression, it's worth noting that he's 23 and HIS MOTHER JUST DIED OF CANCER. Reusse mentions this, but to then turn around and say "I just don't understand why he's playing poorly right now" is kind of unfair.
I guess my feeling about the Delmon Young Experience at this point is (i) resignation that he's not the immediate superstar we'd hoped for, and acceptance that he's not going to blossom into that overnight, if at all; in fact it's quite possible his ceiling is .295/.350/.470 or something like that, (ii) he's a 23-year-old on whom we've placed a ton of pressure, and then even more when Garza went out and had a career year last season, and if we're not careful he'll never reach the aforesaid ceiling because he's been run out of town on a rail because as a very young player he couldn't handle that pressure. We need to back off and give him some time - he doesn't need to rake in this lineup when it's healthy. And he's not under some outrageously expensive contract.
Why do we treat him and Gomez so differently? Just because Go Go has the youthful enthusiasm while Young seems shellshocked? Because Young had that great rookie season? I know he's been criticized (including by me) for apparently being uncoachable, but maybe I'd trust my dad too much too, if he helped me get picked first in the draft and have a rookie of the year kind of first season at age 21.
To the extent the Garza trade long term is a bust for us, Bill Smith is to blame, not Delmon Young. I guess I just sort of feel sorry for him (for now). When I say he looks lost, I mean in a cosmic sense, as well as not having an approach at the plate. He just doesn't seem very happy. I hope that, despite appearing to be someone not very outgoing and who maybe rubs people the wrong way, he's getting some support, and is capable of accepting it.
On a brighter note, how fun is it to go to a game, note upfront that Joe Mauer needs to get two hits a day to keep up his pace, and then watch him get three hits in his first three AB's? Cubs fans were totally shaking their heads and throwing up their hands at that guy.
June 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM
YES! I was gonna throw down a "Can I get a Wrigley update?" post today, but you guys delivered. I'll take 2-out-of-3 on the road any time. I had to leave the house yesterday (to go to a store called lullaby lane, by the way - sweet) right as we brought in Crain and I instantly knew how it would end. The dude is done...not sure how much is mental and how much is his stuff, but I remember him being very solid a few years ago!
Yeah, the Delmon situation is tough. The guy on Twinkie Town is saying we should put him on the DL with "Dontrelle Willis disease", so that he can go to AAA for a "rehab assignment." The problem is that he's out of options (never totally understood what that means, but it has something to do with our inability to send him down to AAA), so we have to keep him on the big club. Speaking of the wind yesterday, he hit a pretty nice ball to left that seemed to absolutely die in the breeze...which makes Go-Go's shot even more impressive. Also, hilarious to see Gomez sprinting around the bases because he hadn't realized it was a dinger.
Apparently, Swarzak is the odd man out right now with all of our injuries. I'm guessing we'll see him again this year.
Glad everyone got to meet up...sorry I wasn't there for the excitement. It's now time to pound the Pirates into submission and continue our dominance in interleague play.
June 15, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Sounds like a good time all the way around. It would be nice for the new ballpark if we could hold a FTLOSBW contributors meeting and all get together.
I would not worry to much about Swarzak. He indicated that he knew the demotion was coming and that he proved to himself he can pitch in the big leagues.
I declare Tolbert's nickname as "Space Eater" becuase that is literally all he is doing.
Any chance the Twins just flat out switch to the NL? Maybe they trade places with the Brewers?
Since Jan tooted his own horn on his birthday so I am going to toot my own horn. Today I weighed in at the doctors 20 lbs lighter than I did at the start of the year. Don't worry I am not wasting away to nothing and am still the heaviest guy on here.
June 16, 2009 at 12:17 PM
Happy b-day, RTS! And kudos on the physical condition...I could stand to mimic your dedication and devotion to working out and (presumably) eating a little better.
One other question for LH and MCA - how was the turnout of Twins fans? Did we represent? On TV, it sometimes looked like we had about 25% of the crowd dressed in TC hats and win Twins jerseys.
June 16, 2009 at 1:05 PM
Thanks, BG. My birthday is actually the 24th. I see the confusion in my writing.
I actually came back to comment how even as an ex-Twin life is tough against the Yankees.
J Santana (L, 8-4) 3.0 9 9 9 2 3 1 82-48 3.29
June 16, 2009 at 1:19 PM
BG... though I am biased I really thought the bleachers were split 50/50 between Twins fans and Cubs fans... the rest of the stadium was clearly skewed a little more to the cubs (maybe 65/35), but it was clear there was a real and loud Twins contingent in the house.... it felt good to see the fans actually travelled down for the game.
June 17, 2009 at 11:39 AM
By all accounts I saw and heard - firsthand on Clark Street on Saturday afternoon and in the stadium Sunday, Pat Hughes, Len Kasper on Friday and Saturday, Cubs blog linked by Twinkie Town - Twins fan turnout was way more than respectable/solid. We're talking "Where in the Hell did all these Minnesotans come from?" turnout. The reasons are fairly obvious, but the consensus was that no one had ever seen so many opposing fans in Wrigley, with the possible exception, which doesn't count, anyway, of the White Sox. I don't know how many times I heard someone say something along the lines of "Cubs fans are finding out what it's like when the Cubs go to every other stadium." Lucas said Clark Street looked like a college football town on Saturday night when the opposing team's fans take over downtown.
So, kudos to Twinkies fans.
RTS, nicely done on the scales.
June 17, 2009 at 5:10 PM
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