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October 30, 2008

For your viewing pleasure

It is almost Halloween and it is a slow day at work. I thought I would put together a list of horror movies that maybe worth seeing but a little bit off the beaten trail. In no particular order, here is the list:

10. Evil Dead 2- If you are a fan of horror, chances are you have seen this. It is my personal favorite of Sam Raimi’s trilogy. The concept is nothing new; a group of people get caught in the woods battling forces they don’t understand. More laughs than scares. Bruce Campbell is fantastic as Ash.

9. CUBE- It is kind of a horror movie with the paranoia of the unknown and kind of sci-fi at the same time. The concept is a group of strangers are trapped in a maze. They don’t know where they are or how they got there. I am sure the acting is worse than I remember, but I remember being entertained.

8. Audition- Back before the blog was up, I wrote a detailed email about this movie. If you want a movie that will make you cringe and say “Oh my god” out loud repeatedly, this is for you. I am not watching it again, a little too much for me.

7. Requiem for a Dream- Yeah I know it is not a horror movie. Try popping a couple of prescription painkillers, drinking a few beers and watching it. The inner mind trip will have you so freaked out about what you are doing with your life that it is scarier than anything you have ever experienced. Well, at least that is what someone told me.

6. Dawn of the Dead (the original) - I love zombie movies. I also prefer my zombies to be slow as opposed to the super charged fast moving zombies. Anyway, some survivors hole up in a shopping mall and do battle with zombies and a motorcycle gang. Whenever I get caught shopping with the wife at a department store, I sometimes think what if…?

5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre with commentary- I know, I just picked one of the top cult classics of all time. Seriously though, I thought the movie was stupid when I saw it in high school, but I caught it on IFC with commentary by Tobe Hooper and Gunnar Hansen and the commentary is 100% more interesting than the actual movie. Believe me I am not a big commentary guy, but this commentary does a good job of explaining how a lot of these movies get made and the hurdles they have to clear while filming on such a small budget.

4. The Mist- The most recent movie on my list. So many of Stephen King’s books are turned into terrible movies but I really enjoyed this one. The synopsis is a group of people trapped in a grocery store battling the unknown after a strange mist blankets the city. Sounds very familiar to a lot of the other plots.

3. Shaun of the Dead- Like I said, I like my zombie movies. It has some good laughs and pokes fun at horror movies better than a movie like Club Dread.

2. Invasion of the Body Snatchers- I am talking about the 1970’s Donald Sutherland flick. We have all seen it, most likely as a channel nine movie at 9 or something like that. I recently watched it and I thought it held up well. It was not too cheesy.

1. Pet Sematary- I know that this movie is horrible. That being said, someone on this blog, we will call him Jan, was so scared watching this in high school that he forced the rest of us to turn it off. To you Jan, I say face your demons and watch this movie. To everyone else I say don’t waste your time.


Blogger Jan said...

RTS - nice work, love the list, however I can't actually watch any of these movies due to my propensity to get a little too freaked out. While I was once a bit ashamed to admit that things that go "bump in the night" scare the crap out of me I have come to own my being a pussy. However, some time have me relate the story of the haunting at my current address - quite freaky and truly unexplainable.

I have seen the Evil Dead trilogy (buddy in college loved it) and there are no doubt some great lines in them all. I have also seen Requiem for a Dream - great stuff; not a horror flick. Finally, I have read a review of "Audition" and it sounds unbelieveably insane and gross, not sure I could stomach that one.

October 30, 2008 at 4:11 PM

Blogger LH said...

Thanks for stepping up and admitting your weakness Jan- you're trylu growing as a person. I must admit myself that I'm not too big of a fan of the scary movie either. I don't think it is so much that I'm too scared to watch, as it is with Jan, it's more that I don't get much out of them...though I do say that watching Halloween at the age of 14 will really f__ a brother up.

But I appreciate the list RTS, and I'm planning on putting one of your top 3 on my netflix list... just to see.

October 30, 2008 at 5:17 PM

Blogger MCA said...

Most horror and creepout films have no effect on me whatsoever other than to induce laughter and/or boredom. Especially the slasher films. I don't know why. I just can't suspend disbelief enough to get into them or something. That said, I watched "The Ring" on HBO a few years ago and it scared the shit out of me. Disturbing/creepy as all get out.

October 31, 2008 at 4:49 PM


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