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April 28, 2008

My apologies to "The Hawk"

During a drunken Twins discussion this past weekend with a couple Minnesota sports fans, former Twin LaTroy Hawkins name came up as it is bound to do around 12:30 on a Saturday night. For some reason I had it stuck in my mind that LaTroy was an underachiever who never developed into either the starting pitcher or the closer we wanted him to be and was a waste during his years on our roster. My colleagues argued that while he never became what we had envisioned (still amazes me that Eddie "can you believe I am now in the Ranger's bullpen" Guardado stole the closers role from him) he actually was a dominant set-up guy in 2002 and 2003 to the point that Cubs fans were mocking us for letting him go so easily. In a haze of cheap booze I tabled the discussion until further review (i.e. when I get to work on Monday so I can look at LaTroy's numbers and blog about it) and it looks like I was wrong.

While Hawkins' 56 and 76 record and 4.68 ERA over 14 seasons in the majors (9 with your Minnesota Twins) is rather pedestrian, it really is how he evolved into a steady middle reliever that legitimizes his career with the Twinkies and in MLB. His early years with the Twins were spent trying to break into the rotation were futile at best - from 1997 - 1999 he started 86 games going 23 and 40 and posted a 5.91 ERA. When Hawk was moved to the bullpen, he fared much better; from 2000 - 2003 he pitched 295 innings and his ERA dropped to 3.11. Those years were highlighted by his 2.13 ERA in 2002 and in 2003 his ERA dropped to 1.86 and he struck out 75 batters in just 77 and 1/3 innings. This is where the argument of my drunken friends on Saturday night caught up with me. I remembered the "starting pitcher" LaTroy not the "set up man" LaTroy. So to you LaTroy No Middle Name Found During My Research Hawkins I apologize, you weren't as crappy as I thought you were.

As we know, LaTroy went to the Cubs in 2004 and was consistenly booed during his tenure with the Northsiders. Granted, he did blow 9 saves when he played for them 2 of which came in September and crushed their Wild Card chances (oh Cubs fans will you never learn, it's your fault the team keeps losing.) However over the 98 games in a Cubs uni his ERA was a respectible 2.76.

Just two items of note that I found about LaTroy on Wikipedia (America's Encyclopedia):

1. "On July 8, 2007, Hawkins was the only Colorado player to help the groundskeepers and the entire Philadelphia ballclub with the tarp during a heavy storm in Denver."

This is why I love Wikipedia. Makes all the other Colorado players sound like douchebags (which is probably true.)

2. Now with the Yankees "He is the first player since outfielder Paul O'Neill to wear the jersey number 21 for the Yankees. However, after returning from a road trip on April 16, he changed his number to 22 in response to the fans' booing, yelling, and calling O'Neill's name when he took the field."

Reason #4,132 why I hate the Yankees and their fans


Blogger MCA said...

Maybe his middle name is "Troy" and his first name is just "La."

I actually barely remembered Hawkins the starter, instead of the other way around.

He got a rough shake at Wrigley. The problem was he's not good in high-pressure situations (like closing or having the weight of the whole team on your shoulders as a starter). The Cubs should have known better than to bring him in as their closer. He did blow a couple big games down the stretch in '05 or whenever, but that team was itching a rash and begging to play themselves out of the playoffs (and essentially seal Dusty's fate in the process).

Re: the ridiculous story about Hawkins having to change his number, I was looking forward to working myself into a good sanctimonious lather when O'Neill came up for Hall of Fame consideration, assuming he'd get the vote of every New York media member, getting him as close to induction as a bunch of far more deserving players. It never came to pass, which somewhat mitigates the story about them chanting his name at Hawkins. Nevertheless, it's outrageous. It fits right in with the fact that a lot of Yankees fans think his number should be retired by the team and hung out there with Ruth and DiMaggio. Uhm, no, you relentless onanists. Jeter and Rivera will be the late-'90s dynasty jersey retirements. Not gonna happen for a right fielder with 2,100 hits and 280 homers who played half his career in Cincinnati.

Grammar Police Alert:

DOMINANT = adjective. DOMINATE = verb.

April 28, 2008 at 6:28 PM

Blogger MCA said...

By the way, everyone check out this story, while we're on the tangent of Yankees and former Yankees (, and tell me what's the funniest part.

Hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with the possibility Roger Clemens had an affair with a country singer, about which I really couldn't care less - his character or lack thereof has been settled in my mind for a loooooong time and this won't change it either way.

April 28, 2008 at 6:34 PM

Blogger Jan said...

LaTroy's struggles with the Cubs shows that as sports fans we always assume that players relish the pressure and thrive on it and we get disappointed when they prove they are human.

Not sure what was the funniest part on the article you referenced other than Clemens having 4 kids with names that start with K (so lame.)

MCA, thanks for the grammar tip, thought I had 8 bosses, apparently I have 9. I'll do a better job proofreading for my next entry on a blog that has a total of 5 readers. Good to see that while LH, BG, and RTS overlooked my error and chalked it up to my lack of concentration and moved on that you took the time to point it out. Here I was living my life using dominate as an adjective - almost like I never even went to high school or college or graduate school.

April 29, 2008 at 9:49 AM

Blogger MCA said...

You nailed it on the Clemens thing. Koby, Kory, Kody and Kacy? There's a whole thesis on American demography in there.

Sorry to be the crotchety old bitch about the grammar thing. I usually don't chime in, and make plenty of mistakes myself. It's just that the "dominate" thing is getting really prevalent out there these days on the ol' internets and message boards and the like. I keep seeing it everywhere, and unlike your eloquent entries, it's usually paired up with awful sentence structure and logical confusion. I just don't want you, an astute, educated, world-savvy, correct-thinking Jumbo, to get lumped in with "arodsucks124" from South Boston.

Do you really have 8 bosses?

April 29, 2008 at 10:45 AM

Blogger LH said...

I don't remember La Hawkins as a starter at all... it might be that I blocked it out...or it could be that I just don't have a very good memory...I'm not sure which it is, nor do I remember what I was going to say next.

I do remember his 95 mph heater, though... and not being quite sure where it was going to end up after being released.

I do think it is funny that all of his children's names start with the letter "K"... I bet he tried getting a couple of them spelled using a backwards K (Note: In case everyone isn't aware, in scorekeeper's notation a backward
K is used to record a strikeout in which the batter does not swing on the called third strike.) If I followed suit I would have to name all my children beginning with the letter "W"...some random examples: Whuck, Wer, Watt and Wrian... I guess that isn't so silly afterall.

April 29, 2008 at 10:57 AM

Blogger BG said...

I remember actually being bummed when La left the Twins. He was pretty sweet as a reliever...just another in a long line of Twins to leave for greener pastures and then fail (Lawton, J. Jones, Cristian Guzman et al.). BTW, I saw Paul O'Neill at August National a few weeks ago. No joke. He's huge...probably 6'5" or so. Of course we started with the whole Seinfeld joke where the sick kid asks Kramer to have Paul O'Neill hit two homeruns for him. Classic...

Clemens so bad I can't even write about him.

April 29, 2008 at 2:05 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I have been checked out since Friday. I went under cover to see what this Nascar nation thing was all about. When I have pictures to back up my report I will blog more about it.

The way I remember the Hawk was that he was always kind of shakey as the closer. I know that his numbers were great at first, but he did not have the poise on the mound of a Nathan. I think he got shelled towards the end of his second to last year and that the next year you could put him out to pasture because he was done at least with the Twins. We all know how well my memory is, see Marty Cordova comments, so take it all with a grain of salt.

April 30, 2008 at 9:17 PM


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