Your 2008 Super Tuesday Caucus Memories
So, Sarah and I "attended" our DFL caucus at St. Louis Park High School last night (we went, we voted, we left - there was no caucusing.) We were both impressed with the turnout as the place was a madhouse (apparently the case across the state and nation.) When we finally got to the cafeteria where our district was voting there was a long, confusing line where you were suppose to register. This was made even more confusing as caucus volunteers were roaming around signing people up which, we were told, was the same as "registering." Fine by us, we didn't have to wait in line. Some nice old lady quickly sat us down, had us fill out a form, and then handed us ballots and when I say 'ballots' I mean 4. Yes, Sarah and I were in the midst of what had the potential to become "Votergate," I could just see the CNN, Fox News, WCCO news trucks parked outside our house as we were at the epicenter of the scandal that could bring down democracy as we know it. However, I handed the woman back 2 ballots and said, "uh, I think we only get two of these, correct?" She took them back without a word and was on to the next person to sign up.
The potential voter fraud aside, it was a great night to be an American. Glad that Obama carried my home state convincingly and was surprised Minnesotan's chose Romney won on the Republican side.
Huge turnout down here as well. I waited an hour to vote and the line was even longer when I left. No surprise that Obama cruised, but on the Replican side if Huckabee, who was leading when I went to bed, hung on that would be an upset.
February 6, 2008 at 9:36 AM
I continue to amaze myself with my spelling and grammar.
February 6, 2008 at 9:37 AM
I continue to amaze myself with my spelling and grammar.
February 6, 2008 at 9:37 AM
One more thing, Georgia uses the Diebold machines not the paper ballots.
February 6, 2008 at 9:38 AM
You probably just subliminally wanted to say the "Reptilian" side and ended up with "Replican."
My second time voting for Obama was more exciting than the first, even considering the freezing rain. I hope the third time's more exciting yet, and comes sooner rather than later.
I am enjoying seeing Republican pundits on the verge of puking while they talk about McCain. They hate that guy. Whoever were to win the R nomination this year would pretty much tear the party apart - each of the three big names represent one of the three factions of the party that have become increasingly uneasy around each other.
Not surprised here that Romney won in MN. Of those three Republican factions - war/terrorism hawks, business/economic conservatives, and social nutjobs - my sense is that the second of those is most prevalent up there.
How's Franken doing against Normie, by the way?
February 6, 2008 at 12:02 PM
Out here the turnout set a record (I believe), but luckily, I showed up at 7:15am and there was no line. Glad that Obama got a nice chunk of delegates (and cruised in SF and Marin counties), but bummed that Hillary carried so much of the rest of the state.
The thing that scares Republicans is that McCain is the most center-leaning of all three, so ironically, while he alienates the far right nutjobs that voted for Huckabee, he's actually the most "electable" in a general election, according to the pundits.
Good was fun to see Ari Fleischer squirming last night when he discussed how the turnout on the Democratic side crushed the Reptilian, I mean Republican, turnout.
February 6, 2008 at 12:14 PM
bg's right, he's clearly the most electable of the Rethuglicans. But, that doesn't count for much if the machine doesn't get behind you and generate some excitement.
Especially if his opponent is Obama, McCain's going to have a tough time actually wooing independents once the Democrats focus their attention on pointing out how bogus his "moderate" tag is. Combine that with a whiny-ass, petulant base that's gonna sit this one out, and he'll have some real trouble.
He's still got a hell of a lot more of a chance than Romney or Huckabee would, though. Those two wouldn't even compete in a single state west of Texas or north of Tennessee (except Mormonia).
February 6, 2008 at 4:26 PM
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