Are these the Sam Bowie's of the Minnesota Vikings?

FOB ER brought to my attention that the Vikings drafted Troy Williamson and Erasmus James ahead of Aaron Rodgers. No hard feelings for James, I hope his health is good. Troy Williamson is almost unforgivable. The guy was a project with no hands and blazing speed and we blew the #7 pick on him. Don't forget that pick was the prize in the Randy Moss trade. Just to be semi-fair to the Vikes, every WR taken in the first 3 rounds of that draft were a bust except Roddy White taken at #27.
ER also sent me the pic.
Can't remember if it was here or somewhere else, might have even been Peter King, but I was reminded recently that Aaron Rodgers was drafted right after a 27-year-old Daunte Culpepper had just turned in the best statistical season a Vikings QB had ever had and was an inch from being MVP, so why in the hell would we have drafted Rodgers?
That doesn't excuse the pick of Troy Williamson, but the need for a QB wasn't there at the time. FWIW.
That poster in the pic about the WNBA title is hilarious.
November 16, 2011 at 10:32 AM
Also: I've talked a number of times about my taking the occasional hiatus from sports. I think it's more of a permanent drift lately, though. Penn State certainly didn't help. Too much beauty in the world to waste up to five hours a week worrying about, watching and discussing the Vikings. Our culture's jumped the shark on the whole sports thing. Three ESPN's, countless Fox Sports networks, Tennis Channel, Golf Channel, Speed Channel, OLN, Versus, two or three soccer channels, at least two radio stations in every urban market dedicated to nothing but talking about sports all day long. The University of Texas Athletic Department is a $150M/year enterprise. We televise nationally somewhere north of 50 hours of fucking Little League baseball annually. Long snappers are compensated 10-20x school teachers in this society. Professional women's basketball, indoor lacrosse and arena football draw more people than any non-U.S. indoor sporting league on the planet.
Too much spectating and analysis, not enough activity. I feel like I've wasted too much of my life on this shit. I don't care anymore. I know I've posted three times today, but it's the first time in weeks. Might be the last for awhile.
Here's some zen:
November 16, 2011 at 12:39 PM
You called me out on revisionist history. I agree, but any way you cut it Williamson was a horrible pick. In all honesty the Trailblazers do not even deserve the Sam Bowie stamp. I saw an interview once with the GM where he says they did not need a guard. I found this that details the Blazers situation at the time. I am not sure the source but it was quick find and I am not going to look for a better one.
I am sure at some point in the future I will be emailed a link to an OK Go video which will feature that xylophone. Pretty cool.
I hear your rant about sports and I do not blame you. Whatever you think about it in the Midwest, the exposure is 10X worse down here. I was just telling Jan, my daughter is in a winter baseball league that uses a pitching machine. She is in kindergarten. Seems a little intense to me. Please note both my wife and I hope she dumps it. It was what she wanted to do, so we gave her the opportunity to figure it out on her own.
November 16, 2011 at 12:54 PM
That's ridiculous. Along those lines, Mrs. MCA was recently pulled aside by a youth tennis instructor and informed he wanted to move our son up to a class with kids two years older because he's not being challenged at his level. Which is fine, and flattering, but then he said he'd love to see the player, PMA, start playing in tournaments within the next few years. PMA will turn FIVE YEARS OLD in a month.
More non-sports bliss:
Not generally speaking a Fallon fan, but this, along with his Neil Young "Pants on The Ground" and Bob Dylan singing the theme from "Charles in Charge" are pretty impressive. Dude's spot-on with the musical impersonations.
November 16, 2011 at 3:41 PM
Dude, if I were you I would start looking at special tennis schools now, start regimenting what he eats and uproot your family and move wherever you need to go. You never know he could be the one. By the time he is 6 his window could be closed. Whatever you do, do not allow him any outside activities or interests not related to tennis. I might take that law degree and become his agent. Just my 2 cents.
November 17, 2011 at 9:52 AM
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