Total Awesomeness

Check out this piece from my childhood that I picked up on eBay, a 1977 George Brett Sports Illustrated poster. One of these hung on my bedroom wall through high school.
In the early 80s between 50th and Morgan and 54th and Minnhaha Pkwy/ Humboldt there was not a player more revered that George Brett. Why? Because my friend's older brother Jack N and his buddies Jeff E and Jeff H said so. They were 4 years older than the rest of us and would trade mass amounts of cards for Brett. That started it. Certainly, Brett and his career helped keep the momentum going. I had a 3 ring binder dedicated to George Brett cards.
Ahhh, there it is. The secret is out, RTS loves George. I remember this poster. Nice work, RTS, I assume Mrs. RTS will not be allowing you to put it on current your bedroom wall now? Pretty selfish of her if you ask me. If you did ask I can imagine she said something to the effect of "how often did you get laid when it hung on your wall in high school because you'll be back to the same batting average if you put it up in here."
Side note: Some may not know or care but RTS was an avid wearer of a KC Royals hat in his younger days. He once wore it on a vacation to Florida he took with my family (we visited Long Boat Key where average age of spring breaker was 76.) However, during the stay we met up with a couple of guys who were from KC (double side note: I actually met my wife on that trip). Because of RTS's hat, we got to be friendly with them - they gave us some 'smoke', we gave them some vodka. One evening I was in the midst of spastic laughter and referred to one of the guys as "Jokin' Johnny Brick" (his name being John Brick, yes, lame I know but consider my fragile state of mind.) The name kinda stuck for the rest of the trip. Fast forward six years (is that about right RTS?) and RTS is in a bar (can't remember where) and as he's waiting in the bathroom he looks left and who is it? Yes, Jokin' Johnny Brick. Small world, KC hat, small world.
November 13, 2011 at 7:59 PM
That was a fun trip. Some highlights:
-Smuggling Vodka in our suitcases in Evian water bottles. Now we would be considered terrorists.
-Jan stuffing a shot in a friendly game of basketball back into his father's face. I do not remember if he did the Omega pose afterwards.
-Jan met his future wife. I got Heismaned by one of the ugliest girls in all of Orono.
I did meet up with Joking Johnny Brick in Madison, Wisconsin my sophomore year in college. It was the year Wisconsin broke back onto the football scene and went to their first Rose Bowl in who knows how long. A couple of my friends and I were sitting in a bar, The Airliner, in Iowa City FACing (Friday after class) talking about how the Iowa season was again lackluster. Someone suggested we road trip up to Madison for the Wisconsin/Ohio State game. 4-5 hrs later we were in bar in Madison. There somehow I started talking to this guy and he said something about Kansas being his home state and all the pieces fell into place. He invited us to the Phi Delt tailgate the next day. I called him in the morning and got a really lame white guy rapper type answering machine message. We decided to go it alone, which was probably for the best because I think I hurled about 4 times in the port-a-potty of the parking lot we ended up having a tailgating in. I was not drinking at all that morning it was all from the night before. The game ended in a tie which was good enough for Wisconsin to take control of the Big Ten.
November 14, 2011 at 7:49 AM
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