Where Are My Home Opener Pictures?
I demand a fully detailed narrative account of Target Field, Game 1, with pictures (not including bathroom breaks), food ratings, beer selection, pre- and post-game accounts, etc. Jan, where are you?
Also, lest we lose track of it all, we've taken 4 from the Angels and BoSox in the first week of the season. That probably matches all of last year. In addition, we loaded up against Lester yesterday, running up his pitch count and getting 4 runs in 5 innings off one of the top lefties in the AL, which is a good sign (we were also very close to knocking Buehrle out early on Sunday). And we finished a season opening road trip against our biggest rival and our biggest West Coast boogeyman at 5-2, getting 5 quality starts, 4 Rauch saves, and solid bullpen work out of everyone not named Mijares. And all this with Span not hitting a lick until yesterday, Hudson just starting to warm up over the weekend, and Kubel doing squat before Sunday. If we continue to get this kind of pitching and the bats warm up, this team is really good.
Was Morneau trying really hard to make sure he got his name in the books for first homerun at Target Field yesterday? 'Cause on GameCast, he looked awful and left a bunch of guys on base when a line drive single would have done just fine.
I saw the last 2-3 innings yesterday. It did not feel like I was watching a Twins game at all. The new backdrop will take some getting used to.
I am disappointed there was no live blogging at the game going on. Seriously Jan, get it together.
April 13, 2010 at 1:35 PM
live baseball in person tomorrow with dtk.
April 13, 2010 at 2:43 PM
I DVR'd the game...and yes, Morneau swung WAY too hard all day long.
April 13, 2010 at 3:00 PM
P.S. One of the things I loved (at least from what I saw on TV):
The gates are numbered after famous Twins (Gate 34 for Puckett, etc.)
April 13, 2010 at 3:43 PM
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