The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

December 3, 2009

Jan takes on the media

There was a story on WCCO news the other night about the troop increase in Afghanistan and the reporter went to a local VFW to get reaction. At the VFW they interviewed three older vets, the final guy they talked to had a deep, fresh scar on his head that was being held together by a row of shiny metal staples; it was simply nauseating to look at (see for yourself at the 3:19 mark of this video.) In fact, I was so grossed out that I sent the below message to WCCO management via email.

"I watched your news cast tonight and during the reporting on the troop level increase in Afghanistan your reporter apparently went to a VFW hall to interview veterans to get their response. Did you have to show the third respondent? He had about 20 metal staples in his head that were clearly visible on t.v. Did you not have 20 seconds of another person you interviewed or some voice-over you could have used that you had to show the 'crazy looking guy with the gross staples in his head?' It's just gross and unsettling, particularly in HD."

Two facts:

1. While I got some automated email response from WCCO it was still cathartic to send.

2. I am a step away from telling kids to "get off my lawn!"


Blogger RedTigerShark said...

Jan, I think you might have over reacted on that one. I thought I was going to see puss oozing out of his head or something. Going back to the debate we had along time ago, I would rather see that guys head than some of the disgusting feet people flaunt in flip flops.

If you are this crusty already, you might be in trouble. You want to be outraged at people on the news? Move down here where the man on the street tries to explain that those Tennessee footbal players who were kicked off the team for attempted robbery, were just trying to survive since they are just poor urban kids surrounded by rich kids. I shit you not, you can not make this up.

Here is my chance to get crusty. The vote for mayor of atlanta was decided by 650 votes. The comments coming out of both camps I think were plagerized right from the Coleman/Franken ordeal. Mark my words this is going to get messy and cost the city a ton of cash which the city does not have.

December 3, 2009 at 1:05 PM

Blogger Jan said...

RTS - I'd like you to see that man's head from 8 feet away on a 42" HD t.v. and get back to me. It looked like he literally walked out of the ER and into the VFW, it was red and puffy and the metal staples reflected light like a mirror they were so shiny and new.

I love the South. What a bastion of tolerance and common sense. Actually, if memory serves, your politicians do deliver on promises; didn't you have an extreme drought a year or two ago and the governor was calling for local Indian tribes to perform rain dances? Don't you have record rainfall this year? Sounds like solutions to me.

December 3, 2009 at 1:17 PM

Blogger MCA said...

Methinks someone needs to rejoin the working world.

December 3, 2009 at 3:50 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I would like to see that too, but since my largest TV is 36 inches and I do not get HD that is not going to happen.

The gov was calling on everyone to pray. See back in the day there was this thing called the Trail of Tears and they marched the Indians out of here. Those tears filled up Lake Lanier which provides Atlanta with its water. Sounds good right? Nope. See some genius then sold some of those water rights to Alabama and Florida, so even though GA was in a drought they still had to route the water to the other states. One could literally see people on the other side of the boarder wasting water watering their lawns while the GA side was begining to look like west Texas (personally I don't water, I think it a waste anytime s it was nice to not be that guy for a summer). The drought has passed. I assume this time they marched Mexicans and violent criminals around for awhile. DO you think they are trying to ensure the problem does not happen again? Nope, but GT is playing for the ACC title and a BCS bowl bid, so let the good times roll.

PS- I think the nearest reservation is in NC.

December 3, 2009 at 4:56 PM

Blogger BG said...

That was pretty nasty...I see Jan's point regarding a flat screen view.

BTW, how great of a movie was Gran Torino? Clint Eastwood is a badass.

December 4, 2009 at 4:27 PM


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