The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

November 16, 2009

FTLOSBW Turns 2 Years 1 Week Old

In attempting to keep with tradition, this blog is celebrating it's own inception in an untimely manner. Happy Birthday FTLOSBW!

FTLOSBW was founded on November 11, 2007. Some pretty heady times back then.

On November 20, 2008, we marked FTLOSBW first birthday. It feels like less than a year ago but more than a year ago at the same time, right?

Pretty decent sports year around "The Seis Uno Dos." Favre comes to town, fun end to the Twins "season of frustration" and game 163 was memorable, Baby Jesus, Purple Jesus, new stadium on campus (same team though,) state of hockey is well, kinda on life support and the T'Wolves blew up their front office so those are still postitives. Oh, and welcome to DTK, exactly what this blog needed someone who mixes anger with politics, sports, and booze; then again, not exactly that unique for this group.

Cheers to another year of success in blogging!


Blogger BG said...

Love the new Twins uni's, by the way. It was high time to get rid of the grey pinstripes with the block "MINNESOTA" on the front. Sounds like they'll still mainly wear the white pintstripes at home, with the white throwbacks making an appearance about once a week.

November 17, 2009 at 3:37 PM

Blogger drinkingtommykramer said...

Happy Birthday, FTLOSBW. SO much better than FTMCWU38P) blog (from the motor city where unemployment is 38 percent blog) or the FTIOBD (from the inside of brookdale blog) or FTIABA (from the inside a bum's asshole) blog.

To many more years of insightful comments and dry wit. May this drive every other blog out of business - but in a way that it wouldn't make it so there would be no market for blogs, just that the whole market would be sustained by this one. I mean, not the whole market, because some elements of the audience would just drive away others. Thats whats happening to facebook with all the old people starting to creepily use it. But that migration gives birth to new platforms, like twitter. So maybe thats what this would be. I mean, not twittter, because that will be dead by then. But a metaphor for a twiiter-esque platform. But not like one of the non-monetizable platforms. More like the newspapers when they made money. But online. And without the classifieds. And also, women could read it.

November 17, 2009 at 11:04 PM


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