Thoughts from The Cell
So, I had the chance to attend a Twins game at a second non-MN venue last night. Since they're threatening to not be dead yet, let's discuss briefly before they go and inexplicably drop 2 of 3 to Kansas City. Pre- end of season wrap-up, I guess.
- Wow, the White Sox have imploded. Fun to watch the last six weeks. I think Hawk Harrelson's drinking in the booth now. That team is totally mailing it in and has no identity, which will lead to some significant soulsearching and probably changes in the offseason. Fine by me. Let them rebuild and get out of the way for a year or two.
- Duensing? Maybe, I don't know. He could be the next Ted Lilly, I guess. I wasn't overly impressed with the raw stuff. What on earth will the rotation be next year?
- I'm glad, in retrospect, that I didn't jump feet first into jan's Cuddy-Hate-A-Thon early in the season. He's hitting everything right now and has stepped up in Morneau's absence.
- I'm not sure I want to make the playoffs, despite the nice late run. Plenty of reasons: 1. Yankees. Don't need to explain to you all, of course. 2. Baker, Pavano & Blackburn may be a nice law firm, but it's not a playoff starting rotation. 3. No Morneau. 4. Just another excuse for the front office to not spend the new stadium revenue in the offseason other than to extend Mauer.
Counters: 1. It'd be nice to send the Dome off on a playoff note. 2. It'd be nice for Span, Gomez, etc. to get some postseason experience as I'm hoping they're going to need it. 3. Not making the playoffs the last two years hasn't exactly spurred management to spend (I mean real money here, not admirably thrifty but hardly bold Joe Crede deals).
I meant to add "this season" to the first sentence. Obviously I'd been to the Cell for a Twins game before last night, just not in '09 yet.
September 24, 2009 at 4:56 PM
Are we forgetting 1987? Nobody thought we had a chance against the tigers or the cards and we shit in their salads. So, I'm all about making it. Once you're in, anything is possible. Are we as good as any of the teams in the playoffs? No. But were the falcons as good as the 98 vikings? No. Am I afraid of the yankees? yes. very. but on that very odd, sliver of a chance that we upset them, it will be the best thing that happens to any of us this year. And yes, i am including all of you who popped out kids this year. And don't give me some "Hey, man, nothing will compare to my wedding day or seeing my child's eyes for the first time." Seriously. Save it. I get it. And deep down, in places you don't want to admit to your wives, THAT will compare. Those moments in 87 and 91 were better than anything else thats ever happened in the world - anywhere. So I am willing to risk having my hopes crushed for the chance to be a champion again and have that feeling one more time.
Plus, I have very little else going on.
September 24, 2009 at 6:57 PM
There is something great about watching the Sox implode, would be even better had they not won the World Series or that lame game 183 last year, but nice nonetheless. There was a little fight in them last night, and by little I mean the same about of fight that LH would have in him facing Floyd "Money" Mayweather.
"The Dunce" as DTK is calling him has cooled a bit. If you listen to Dick and Bert, Dunce is the second coming of, well, Bert (they were making comparisions last night and I know Bert wanted to say he reminded him of him.) However, I think he has earned his spot in the rotation for next year, what that means I don't know.
BTW - Can we give a shout out to Pavano for the stablizing force he has been in the rotation? He OWNS Les Tigres this year.
I've made my apology to Cuddy. As hot as he is right now, I stand by my earlier frustrations with him. Remember, Punto once hit .300 (I'm just being salty.)
I want to make the playoffs because, well, I want to win. Whether we have a chance or not is irrelevant.
Question: would you take Buerhle if the Twins could get him? Hated Sox player, years of animosity, owned us . . .
September 24, 2009 at 7:20 PM
theres only one sox player i would refuse to take. AJ.
I hope he gets small pox. Well, maybe not small pox. But something like that thats not contagious. Like a bus accident. But not one that hurts anyone else. So maybe not a bus. But maybe he could be hit by a bus.
You know that deep down Ozzie Guillen LOVES the twins and would love to manage them. They play the way he wants his guys to play. His interviews are only rivaled by Burnsie's unbelievable November 12, 1989 rant about people booing bob schnelker.
September 25, 2009 at 10:07 AM
speaking of Buerhle, what happened to him this year after pitching his no-no? Did he break his arm? If I'm not mistaken, he's 1-18 with a Silva-esque ERA.
"the cell"- I've never heard that before-is that really what they call it? I love that nickname (hate the sox, don't get me wrong, but I love the same, very fitting for the south-side.) Not as good as "The Bank" (ok I'm biased) or the "The Target" (ok that sucks), but still, a pretty kick-ass name for a stadium.
I love baseball- I don't care how we get in to the playoffs, or who we play, if the Twins can get in, then I'm all for it. Ahhh 1987, RIP Kirby.
September 25, 2009 at 10:25 AM
Yeah, I know having your team in postseason ball is always a blast, but, dtk, to paraphrase the great and oft-misunderstood Rick Pitino, Steve Lombardozzi's not about to walk through that door, people. And, yes, I told her to go see an ob-gyn; how was I to know the guy specialized in terminations?
Anyway, one part I remember about '87 is that Sweet Music and Circle Me were starting in the playoffs. As many kudos as Pavano deserves, he's not going to be our pet Deserves To Be in The Hall of Fame project anytime soon. We'd go into the postseason this year with 3 or 4 Les Strakers. A Blake alum will be in the U.S. Senate before this team beats the 103 win Yankees, then the Angels or BoSox, and then the Cardinals or Dodgers. Wait.
I'm just sort of tired of making the playoffs and getting swept out of the first round. Mixed feelings on my end.
I'd take Buehrle, jan, but only because he's the bedrock of the franchise on the South Side right now, and if he were to end up in Minne it would be like if the Packers lost their quarterback to the Vikings. The teeth-gnashing here every time they faced him would make up for his annual dismissive Spring Training comments re: the Twins.
Yes, LH, people do actually call it the Cell. I don't think the irony dial is set too high down there, though. Cubs fans sure think it's funny, though, especially when they're drinking after another lost season.
I'd say Ozzie's love for the Twins is right there on the surface. He blows kisses our way every single time the Sox lose three or four in a row with their station to station baserunning and hoping for homeruns. It drives White Sox fans up the wall.
September 25, 2009 at 11:46 AM
I am for making the playoffs, although it would definitely end up like the Denny Green era Vikings and end with a first round loss.
That stadium is about as comfortable as a cell. It is like one big block of concrete with the middle carved out. The only positive thing about that place is the bar at field level in rightfield. Could there be a bigger contrast of neighborhoods between Bridgeport and Wriglyville?
September 25, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Seriously, even though the White Sox have improved the place, won a series and started drawing more people, it's still a really weird atmosphere. It's like a dangerous version of Milwaukee County Stadium.
I want to make the playoffs. Bottom line. I don't care if it's reminiscent of the Denny-era Vikes. It's good for the franchise and keeps fans interested in the Twins. Also, it's another reason for Joe Mauer to believe that this team can win if everyone gets healthy. Maybe they are only one pitcher away? Maybe we pick someone up, or trade for someone, and next year we win 100 games. The playoffs are always a good thing, even when you lose (see TJack pick six to seal the game).
I would take Buerhle. How different is he from Joe Crede? Now that #4 has arrived and been welcomed with open arms, is there really any rationale for NOT wanting a former rival if they can help us win???
Niners game will be tough this weekend. Their D is great, and they have the best young MLB in the game (Patrick Willis). I think it will be low-scoring, as both teams have the same philosophy: run the ball, play D, and win the turnover battle. 20-14 Vikes.
September 25, 2009 at 1:13 PM
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