The Great Minnesota Get Together
Little known fact, 108 years ago to the day, then Vice President Theodore Roosevelt first uttered his famous phrase "speak softly and carry a big stick" (look it up) at on our very own Fairgrounds; several days later William McKinley was shot and "Teddy" became our 26th president. Today, we remembered this historical event by carrying a Thick Cut Bacon on-a-stick.
Our gastronomic tour included the following stops (in order):
1. Pronto Pup (not to be confused with a Corn Dog)
2. Bacon on-a-stick
3. Tom Thumb Mini Doughnuts (f'ing delicious)
4. Cheese Curds (as good as you remember)
5. Hotdish on a stick
6. Scottish egg on a stick
7. Cone of Sweet Martha's cookies with a glass of cold milk.
Yes, #5 and #6 proved to be the two worst back-to-back decisions since the Twins let Hunter then Santana leave town. Literally put a bad taste in our mouths but when you're at the Fair. . .
In between meals we went to the Midway and played various games, rigged to no end but fun nonetheless.
As for the people watching - not sure the last time you've been around that many Minnesotans in all of their Minnesota-glory but it ain't pretty. It's like a jort convention broke out at an Oak Ridge Boys concert. The increased number of people who are TFTW (Too Fat To Walk) and are now riding taxpayer-funded motorized scooters is noticeable.
Overall, it was great to get together with Minnesota!
That bacon on a stick looks so good! The hotdish on a stick and the Scotish egg not so much. I loved the comment under the pic regarding the hotdish that it lacked cream of mushroom soup and fried onions therefore should not be considered a hotdish.
BS looks like he should own his own landscaping company.
September 3, 2009 at 3:25 PM
This is BS ghost-posting as Jan, right? Guessing from the picture (which I recognize as being in front of the DNR Building) (also, sweet Twins lid), obviously. The writing style seems ever-so-slightly different, too.
I'd love to find the State Fair inspired e-mails Stanch and I put together 7 or 8 years ago trying to quantify the intricate correlation between socioeconomic status and the ratio of over/underweightness between members of couples. We may have even put a graph or axiom together at the end of it all. Our souls are forever decayed from the exercise.
Anyway, I'm jealous y'all had the chance to go this year. I went back 5 years ago, and realized that hot weather and a 6-month pregnant wife really shouldn't deter one from attending the Fair. Although she was more than ready to go home after a couple hours, so was I. When I was a kid, I'd spend that much time at the UofM sports booth alone. That was back when the basketball, football and hockey highlight reels were worth watching, though, I guess.
I miss those Sweet Martha's cookies. Cheese curds sound good, too. The batter's so nice and salty.
September 3, 2009 at 3:37 PM
Joint post on the Fair (written post-FFL draft.) However, unless otherwise objected to, I'd like to give BS provisional rights to FTLOSBW (please respond on related poll.)
RTS - the "Hotdish on a stick" had a cream of mushroom dip that came along with it. As gross and as unappetizing as it sounds.
MCA - we hit the Gopher booth (some nerds were out front doing a demo of their 'robot' that apparently can walk up a set of stairs - NERDS!) and we bathed in the Maroon and Gold.
Best t-shirt (aside from the tons of 'Favre Vikes' apparel) was "I'm an Infidel" worn by a guy who would wear that shirt. We also saw 15 year olds dressed as hookers (gentlemen, I had my daughter with me, I cringed - welcome to middle age.) Oh, and we strategically stayed away from the barns - turns out bunch of H1N1 cases reported today with kids doing 4H. It's a different world.
September 3, 2009 at 8:13 PM
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