Vikingslandia News and Notes
Just thought I would put these items out there -
1. Not so fast there Thomas Tapeh. I think you have something of Mr. Wilf's.
2. Can't we just end the Napoleon Harris experiment? Hell, we can't end the Dontarious Thomas experiment and we didn't trade on of the top 5 recievers all-time to get him. Whatever play Chicago has called "they have a crappy middle linebackers" I'm guessing we are gonna see a lot of it.
I have never heard of someone being out for the season beacuase of dislocated toes. At the end of Bladerunner, Rutger Hauer breaks and dislocates Harrison Ford's fingers one by one. I picture Henderson's foot to look like that. Too nerdish? Maybe.
October 16, 2008 at 12:08 PM
I have never dislocated a toe or any body part for that mattter, but if Jack Youngblood can play on a broken leg I don't see why someone is out for the entire season because of dislocated toes.
I don't think people are as tough as they used to be, and I think it our nation's relative wealth is to blame. I think we've gotten soft as a society (just look at what happened to Kimbo), everybody wants a handout, everybody wants work leave for dislocated toes. I'm sick of it. We need to start spanking children again and grow up without this potentional-sucking sense of entitlement that was totally permeated our society. Who says everyone is entitled to own a home? That's BS. If you don't have enough money to pay whatever the going rate is for a house don't buy one. It should be as simple as that.
October 16, 2008 at 1:37 PM
I would like to nominate LH as "Secretary of Tellin' It Like It Is."
October 16, 2008 at 4:38 PM
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