University of Iowa and the Flood of 2008

Alright, everyone knows there has been a flood so I won't go into what is going on. As an alum I feel obligated to post a link to some pictures of the campus.
I used to live at 303 N. Riverside Dr. This pic is from the corner of that block. Unfortunately, the house I used to live in is now the SAE's and is up on a huge hill safe away from the water, so all that is under is the backyard. It should be noted that between Riverside Dr. and the river are most of the arts buildings that are flooded.
RTS - Pics look terrible. Saw downtown Des Moines on the news the other night and the river was at the top of the bridges that once spanned it and the minor league partk where the Cubs play was half submerged (right on the river) - Sarah and I saw Dylan/Willie Nelson there a couple years ago.
June 17, 2008 at 10:44 AM
RTS - this is totally devastating. I heard on the news that some ridiculous % of the State of Iowa was underwater at some point last weekend.
This is definitely one of those things that, unless you've lived there or know people there, you kind of hope/assume will never happen to you, so you feel a bit detached. But if you have lived there (especially at that corner that's under 8 feet of water), it's totally eerie and surreal. My brother helped sandbag up in Grand Forks 10 years ago, so I felt somewhat in touch with that flood.
Let's hope nothing too valuable and irreplaceable is destroyed...
Rough spring for Iowa (between twisters and floods). Yikes...
June 17, 2008 at 12:25 PM
crazy how we can't better control these kind of things...the only thing I heard, in terms of a cause, was that the area was hit with heavy rainfall after the ground was already saturated from previous rainfall, is that true?
From the looks and magnitude of this thing, it seems like something else was involved... it's not like there was run-off from a heavy snow pack.
June 17, 2008 at 2:07 PM
It was either what LH said or Bob and Doug Mckenzie finished of the beer at the Elsinor Brewery again and finally took a leak.
A politician said "It is like we are getting hit with the 100 year flood every 5 years."
June 17, 2008 at 3:53 PM
I'm waiting for religious nuts to turn this into a "sales pitch" for Jesus. Speaking of, right after that Chinese earthquake a few Bible thumpers stopped by the Peterson house and rang the bell. They got through "Good evening sir. Have you noticed that with all the earthquakes, fires, and floods around the world that God might actually be - "
Me - "Not interested."
June 17, 2008 at 4:07 PM
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