The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

January 21, 2008

Collective Sigh of Relief

Alright, let's just all exhale together. The Pack is not going on to the Superbowl and the greatest human being to ever grace a football field let alone our pathetic lives Brett Favre turned in a forgettable performance which might just shut up Chris Berman, John Madden, and all the other jackals who want to rub butts with him. The G-men deserved to win that game, pretty much dominated the Packers in the second half. I think we all knew that when the going got tough Favre was going to try to do a little more than he should and turn the ball over, thankfully that happened quickly in the OT.

I have not seen AJ Hawk, Brett Favre, or Donald Driver around the office today, they may call in sick.

BTW - KFAN today is terrific. So much Packer's hating going on; we're not alone. The entire state of Vikingsland is dancing on the Packer's grave.


Blogger BG said...

Guys...I have to admit I had started to like Favre a bit more in recent a vacuum, mind you. If he played for any other team, I'd probably dig him. But I just could not get over the absolute man-love from the media and the bush league antics of the Green Bay fans (see articles linked last week). Anyway, I'd just like to point out that Favre SUCKED yesterday. He cost them the game. And as the guys out here on the radio pointed out on my drive in today, Favvv-ruh looked very uncomfortable yesterday on his own field. You think he started to get a little tight thinking about this being his last chance at a super bowl run?

Anyway, I'm just happy the man-love, slurp-fest will be reserved for Brady this week...if both he and Favre had made the bowl, it would have been out of control.

BTW, how long until Randy slips up and admits that he's annoyed by only having one catch each of the last two weeks?

January 21, 2008 at 11:59 AM

Blogger LH said...

I actually missed the last part of the game due to a poorly scheduled joint-birthday celebration for Lindsay and 2 of her friends

Anyway, as I was sitting there at the table, I could hear various ooohs and awes disseminating from the bar area of the restaurant…. the suspense was getting to me. I kept being teased- then a giant roar, "Something big just happened I tell you, something big just happened". About 5 minutes later, as I was looking out on the crowd of passerbys...all of a sudden, someone caught my eye (it was like the little girl in the red coat during the otherwise gray Shindler's List) there, walking dejectedly out of the restaurant was a teenage kid in a Favre jersey walking slowly with his he slowly made his way through the crowd, head hung low, a smile slowly crept over my face... The Giants won, the Giants won.

January 21, 2008 at 12:00 PM

Blogger Jan said...

LH, did you not taunt this kid with a well placed "Green Bay sucks" - clap, clap, clappity clap? Kind of expected it from you. I know a (drunken) redtigershark would have punched one of them in the face (something he mastered while at a Iowa football game when he sucker punched a Penn State fan then ran out of the stadium.)

I know if BG had been there the temptation to rub it in that little snots face would have been too great. Like the time in Chicago when, during a Pack/Vikes game at our Vikings bar, he gave two Packer's fans the scowling of a lifetime (he also asked them "You know this is a Vikings bar right? What the hell you doing here?!?" routine. Apparently they lived above the bar.)

If it had been me, I would have come up with a laundry list of witty things to say only to blurt out "Eat it and eat it hard Favre" as they walked by.

January 21, 2008 at 1:56 PM

Blogger MCA said...

1. bg, jan, was that at Redmond's or the tee-me-teep? I kind of vaguely remember that happening, but might just be fooling myself into thinking I was actually there.

2. Randy's been OK playing the decoy and quietly winning, because he wants to get to the Super Bowl. But he doesn't want to get to the Super Bowl for the ring - he wants to get there in order to shine on the biggest of all stages. Himself. If he catches just one pass in the first half of the big one, the culmination of his life, he will become pouty, regardless of the score. I refuse to believe winning means more to him than himself. He's subsumed himself to this team simply because it's been the perfect vehicle to get him to his ego's promised land. Which is a chance to catch 10 for 140 and two tuddies in a Super Bowl and cement his own legacy.

3. This is apparently all over the place today, but pretty funny:

January 21, 2008 at 3:04 PM

Blogger BG said...

Dude, classic Murphy clip.

MCA, the aforementioned verbal altercation took place at the Tee Mee Teep (in our little "reserved" corner of the place). Now, I understand there is no law preventing packer fans from watching the game at a Vikes bar, but this was no ordinary sports bar, with 42 TVs, and every game on TV. This was a Vikings bar with ONE game on. Go somewhere else, knuckleheads! Loved it...

January 21, 2008 at 3:25 PM

Blogger Jan said...

BG's performance at the Tee Mee Teep was probably egged on by me as we watched the game. I just remember these two dolts standing there cheering the Packer's after almost every play, basically asking for someone to 'step' to them. BG and I became increasingly annoyed, grumbling to each other over their audacity to come into 'our house' with their garbage and wishing we had the nards to invite them to the alley. Cooler heads prevailed but, after the Vikes scored, BG did walk up them and give them the puffed out chest and "What the hell are you guys doing here?" routine.

Still one of my best memories of the Tee Mee Teep.

January 21, 2008 at 3:37 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I felt a little bad for Farve. It is like somehow all my hatred for him caused him to fail and now I feel guilty. Had they won it would have been a great story leading into the Super Bowl. Nah, on the other hand I guess I don't feel guilty at all.

If the BG incident happened durning a night game of the 15-1 season when Moss went off, I was there. If it was not that game, I may be in MCA's boat.

Jan, just a little clarification of the incident to which you refer since you make me sound like a jerk and wuss. It was not a PSU fan, it was a game against PSU. My connection was probably the equivalent of being plunked with a wiffle ball, so no harm no foul. And finally I did not run away, I was escorted out. It was one of the worst drinking days I have ever had. The only funny thing was later on I passed out with my feet on a BBQ pit and melted the soles off of my Timberlands. My God, the new me and the old me would hate each other if they met.

January 21, 2008 at 8:11 PM

Blogger Jan said...

Sorry for inaccurate story there Chuck. Can I just say that your college drinking stories are some of the best ones I have ever heard. Hell, your 2 years before college and 4 years after college drinking stories are terrific. Seriously, you had a 'good run' of about 10 years there. When people start telling drinking stories I always bring up a couple of yours as the gold standard to rave reviews.

However, I can imagine that the Chuck today, husband and father, looks back at the Chuck of the 1990's and wonders who the hell that guy is.

Back to football for a second. Does anyone like Tom Brady?

January 22, 2008 at 9:14 AM

Blogger BG said...

I am somewhat neutral on Brady. The dude has been unreal throughout his career in the postseason, and is obviously a smart guy, who pulls ridiculous tail. That said, I just don't like the smug, false modesty. For some reason, when he pumps his fists after a TD, it seems disingenuous (sp?), whereas when Favre does it, you can tell he is actually feeling like a 17 year old who threw the game-winning TD in the section 4AA championships. I don't know...anyone else get that sense?

January 22, 2008 at 12:07 PM

Blogger Jan said...

I do. I hate the whole "look at me and how humble I am" routine. Plus, have you noticed his teeth? They look a bit too perfect.

January 22, 2008 at 12:38 PM

Blogger MCA said...

You guys are grasping at straws here. He doesn't fist-pump sincerely enough?

He's in a no-win situation on the false modesty issue. You can't please everyone. As soon as he starts accepting compliments on his greatness or comparisons to the all-time greatest QB's, someone else will start calling him an arrogant prick. But now people call him smug because of saying what we usually term "all the right things." Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Just ask Roger Federer, who was humble to the point of ridiculousness or seeming clueless until a year or so ago, when he finally started publicly speaking about playing against the legacies of Laver and Sampras as much as playing matches against Djokovich and Nadal. Before, everyone said he was smug and hated the false modesty, but now he's at risk of being called arrogant.

Bottom line is it's pretty hard for me to bring myself to actively dislike Brady. I'll joke about the Stetson ads and what-not, but he seems a lot closer to the kind of NFL player I would have aspired to be if I had that kind of ridiculous ability than Brett "Everyman" Favre and his hickness. Brady's not afraid to use a four syllable word now and then. So what if he gives off a vibe of self-satisfaction? Why wouldn't he? I mean, if you could trade places with any dude in the world, wouldn't he have to be in the top 10?

January 22, 2008 at 5:16 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I don't have an issue with the guy. It is like he learned how to give an interview from Crash Davis which makes him seem like his personality is as exciting as expanded rigid polystyrene plastic (aka styrofoam). I will say this I hate the term "Humble Pie."

January 23, 2008 at 10:45 AM

Blogger Jan said...

MCA, you have a point. But can't I still hate Brady just for, well, just because I am actually projecting my hatred that the Pats are doing so well and I am going to have to deal with my buddy Bernstein who is a Masshole and I can't have Boston win any more championships in our lifetime?

January 23, 2008 at 11:27 AM

Blogger MCA said...

You can, but I find there are plenty of other targets for that, i.e., the head coach and star wide receiver of said team, and the star linebacker busted for HGH. Are you gonna go hating on Maroney now, too, just by being associated with the Patriots?

Alternatively, you can just go more meta like me and start directing your jealousy at all of New England. Or you can just hate on the obnoxious fans, specifically Bill Simmons.

January 23, 2008 at 3:05 PM


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