The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

December 27, 2007

The Elephant in The Room

Well, I know we've all been avoiding it, blaming Christmas and the short work week before New Years' and all that, but I think we should discuss at some point the colossal putridity of the game the Vikings played on national TV last Sunday night. That's two stinkers in a row. This one carried the stench of a bottle of baby formula left in the hot sun for five hours. In a game that really (REALLY) mattered.

Not ready for prime time, says I. Even if we back door it into the playoffs this weekend - not likely with the Cowboys assured of home field advantage due to the Packers egg-sucking at Soldier Field last Sunday (Bears! Newman! Even three games removed they somehow still screwed us) - we have so many flaws, and performed so poorly in the last two games I can't take much joy in it. More a sign of how awfully awful the NFC still is, than of improvement on our end.

In the AFC, either Tennessee or Cleveland won't make it, and Houston's already eliminated, but either the Vikes or the 'Skins will play off in the NFC? Yikes.


Blogger Jan said...

As I was driving into work today I was going to make a similar post as MCA to get this group talking about what exactly happened last Sunday night. MCA, thanks for the start.

Basically our rooting for this football team is a Sisyphian effort. There is no point in believing that we are ever going to be anything other than mediocre and average so why do we buy into the hype? The boulder is just going to come rolling back down and we are doomed to get our hopes crushed yet again. I watched the game with Luke, Gauck and a number of other Vikings faithful and, like you, I knew within the first 5 mintues it was over.

Everyone here is hoping we can back into the playoffs and somehow capture the magic that won us 5 games in a row. Why? Does it matter? We are only going to lose spots in the draft by doing so and keep Chilly for a few more years. The last few years have been tough on this franchise and made many of us wish the Sheriff was back in town. We have to get over the fact that we are ever going to be more than an 'also ran' in the NFL. No matter how we slice it, this is our father's football team - the team that lost 4 superbowls.

The only bright side to Sunday night was that I hadn't wasted any of my time or energy all season really believing we were going to go anywhere. So I have that going for me.

December 28, 2007 at 8:53 AM


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