FTLOSBW Changes Direction

Now I have no idea how you do something like this in print. Any suggestions would be welcomed. Let me say that the editors have already shot down the logo of a woman crawling on her knees, collared with a dog chain having a smelly glove shoved in her face. They thought it was offensive or something like that. For inspiration here is how it looked circa 1984:
100% With you on free form jazz odyssey, I've need a place to vent my pro-marijuana, small government propaganda. We could be like the ladies over at The View, just a bunch of gals gabbin' it up. Or the ladies over at The Talk. I don't know they're both great shows, so hard to decide.
I say we change the title of the blog too. Most likely it will be "The blog formerly about Minnesota sports. . ."
Question: where do we post things about how Sidney Rice is now out for the season with concussions? For example, I once said this: "On another note, good luck in Seattle Sidney Rice you dumb fuck. Have fun with TJac tossing you the ball. Asshole. Thanks for not getting that surgery you needed either, hope your career ends in training camp when you blow out your knee."
Oops, I kinda sound just like Elizabeth Hassleback, I better be careful!
Shut yo mouth. Now I sound like Whoopi Goldberg! I love this new direction!
December 2, 2011 at 1:25 PM
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