The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

May 15, 2011

R.I.P Boogeyman - Long Live the Goon

This is sad.

He was a fan favorite at the X.

Here is in all his glory

P.S. Makes you not think about losing 9 to 3 in 11, doesn't it? Oops, sorry.


Blogger BG said...

Really sad story. I will be very curious to see the autopsy results, as by all accounts, this guy was in great shape and foul play wasn't suspected. The other thing I remember about him is that he ran a fighting camp in the summer. So great...some would probably disagree, but I think it's a skill you need to at least learn so that you don't end up being fragile...

Saw the first story about a rumored Twins fire-sale yesterday. Unbelievable. This team won 94 games last year.

Souhan has a good column today, which points the finger at the front office for failing to develop any depth in the farm system. It depressed me. What happened to the next guy stepping up?!? Meanwhile, Kansas City has a lineup full of future studs...

May 17, 2011 at 2:59 PM

Blogger BG said...

Looks like an accidental overdose. Brutal.

May 20, 2011 at 5:07 PM


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