Pursue The Pennant

Last week I was cleaning out my basement and I came across my old Pursue the Pennant game. For those of you not familiar with PTP, it was a baseball game played with cards and dice available for purchase at the Games by James location in Calhoun Square circa 1988. You can imagine how cool I was at the time. The game featured all the major league teams and the majority of the players that made up the rosters. The general gist of the game was you set your lineup, pitching rotation and 24 man roster. The game play involved rolling 3 10 sided dice (I am sure that I had extras from Dungeons and Dragons). One die was 100s , one was the tens and one was the ones. 0-499 was listed on the batters card and 500-999 was on the Pitchers card. Roll the dice and see what the card says. It is pretty elaborate with every player having their own card for batting or pitching plus error rankings, range rankings, different jump, stealing and base running, arm strength...I spent many a summer day playing against my non-Blake friends and even by myself. I have the 88 and 89 teams. My goal as a kid was to play a out a full tournament, 64 teams with the top teams getting byes to round out the bracket. I never accomplished that. I am not sure if I ever made it down to 32 teams.
I brought the game upstairs and decided to play a 4 team tournament. I took the 88 Twins and matched them up with the 88 White Sox. In the other bracket I matched the 88 Braves against the 88 Cubs. The Cubs took the best of 3 series 2-0. The White Sox did the same to the Twins with Melido Perez out dueling Alan Anderson and "Black" Jack Mcdowell taking down Frankie "Sweet Music" Viola. In the finals the Cub took the tournament 2-1. Yes, my wife thinks I am a nerd. The game itself was tedious at times. I really wanted a sweep in the finals and was not thrilled having to play the 3rd game, but what the heck I had the All star game on in the background. What was cool about the whole thing was going down memory lane with the Twins. Sure we all remember Kirby, Hrbek and Gaetti. What about Mark Portugal, Randy Bush and John Moses? Here is where the real appeal of the game comes, who do you start in RF Bush or Moses? If I have one of those guys DH I have to put Larkin on the pine. Decisions decisions decisions. Do I let Viola pitch even though he only spent half the year with the Twins and the other half with the Mets? Doug Baker hits .270 against righties, I will put him on top of my reserves so I don't forget to pinch hit him late. I know you can feel the excitement.
It was a piece of my childhood. It still has some fun value to it. I am still a nerd deep down inside. It is now time to put it back in the basement for another 20 years.
I brought the game upstairs and decided to play a 4 team tournament. I took the 88 Twins and matched them up with the 88 White Sox. In the other bracket I matched the 88 Braves against the 88 Cubs. The Cubs took the best of 3 series 2-0. The White Sox did the same to the Twins with Melido Perez out dueling Alan Anderson and "Black" Jack Mcdowell taking down Frankie "Sweet Music" Viola. In the finals the Cub took the tournament 2-1. Yes, my wife thinks I am a nerd. The game itself was tedious at times. I really wanted a sweep in the finals and was not thrilled having to play the 3rd game, but what the heck I had the All star game on in the background. What was cool about the whole thing was going down memory lane with the Twins. Sure we all remember Kirby, Hrbek and Gaetti. What about Mark Portugal, Randy Bush and John Moses? Here is where the real appeal of the game comes, who do you start in RF Bush or Moses? If I have one of those guys DH I have to put Larkin on the pine. Decisions decisions decisions. Do I let Viola pitch even though he only spent half the year with the Twins and the other half with the Mets? Doug Baker hits .270 against righties, I will put him on top of my reserves so I don't forget to pinch hit him late. I know you can feel the excitement.
It was a piece of my childhood. It still has some fun value to it. I am still a nerd deep down inside. It is now time to put it back in the basement for another 20 years.
RTS - I love it. As for the "I am still a nerd deep down inside" not so accurate, you're a nerd right up there on the surface (your boozy past notwithstanding, of course.)
Hey, Tapani, you can take some solace that the Cubs did something this year, where should RTS send the trophy for the "Greater Mableton, Georiga Area Pursue The Pennant Four Team Tourney Champs"?
July 14, 2010 at 12:18 PM
Dude, RTS, this is phenomenal. I love that you did this with the All-Star game on in the background. I forgot about Alan Anderson...didn't he have like one good year for us? Wasn't Shane Mack on the team around that time?
Great mid-season re-cap, Jan. I haven't been this frustrated with them in a while...but for some reason, I think they'll turn it around. Our pitching seems to go through these stretches and then right themselves. The biggest concern is the lack of fire. And yes, I think part of that related to Cuddy batting 5th. Seriously, how long must this go on?!
I heard on the radio yesterday that the White Sox are 25-5 over the last month. 25-5!! Holy shit! The good news is, despite that insanity, we're only 3.5 games back. Time to step up...
July 14, 2010 at 1:35 PM
P.S. Let's not forget that Randy Bush had the best slide in the history of Twins baseball in the world series...into home plate against the Braves, I believe. Wow, it's been almost 25 years since that first world series, so I'm not even sure if it was against the Cards or Braves.
July 14, 2010 at 1:36 PM
against the cards, and in no way does that seem like 23 years ago... scary.
Why do I not know this game? It might have been because I spent most of my youth outside or scoring chicks, but this certainly seems like a game I would have risked my street cred to play... in fact, if I owned it, I dare say I would play it today...love it.
July 14, 2010 at 5:45 PM
i like your commitment to card based athletic games. I, myself, was a strato-matic fan. very similar game. spent lot of time with my local nerd turned thugs, and probably future incarcerant, friends from BC putting those lineups together. They also used to have a classic team for every team. The Twins were, I believe the 1980 club. i dont know why. but jerry koosman was on the team. I think they regular squad had rusty kuntz (unfortunately, pronounced as a long "o", not the more vulgar soft "u"). So, im guessing that version was around 1985.
There was a much less fun football version that i dabbled with. But it seemed not much better than that hunk of shit vibrating game.
As for that card based squad, I loved alan anderson. we could use that craft lefty right now.
July 14, 2010 at 7:34 PM
the number of hours that I logged with similar games is probably easily in the thousands.
my dad had created a much simpler version of a dice game that was played with two dice and a simple scoring premise
2- home run
3- pop out
4- sacrifice (or groundout if no one was on base)
5- strikeout
6- ground out
7- single
8- fly out
9- double
10- double play (or groundout)
11- walk
12- triple
obviously not perfectly aligned to the percentages that happen in actual games but pretty close. close enough to provide HOURS of endless fun. would get a full set of topps cards, sort them into team and then play double elimination brackets to see who would win. it was clearly total chance who won but I kept box scores and team stats and on and on and on. fantastic memories (except for the fact that the Cubs never won those tourneys either)
this type of fantasy is what sells millions of video games every year and if I didn't have 3 year old twins I would probably be playing MLB 10 The Show right now.
RTS--next time I'm in Atlanta, I'm coming over to play PTP.
July 14, 2010 at 9:39 PM
Tapani - I dig lightning rod's version of pursue the pennant. If you were playing with Twins, though, you'd have to make double play a 6, 7 or 8.
July 14, 2010 at 11:12 PM
So, this is weird. But I had a dream last night that I was playing PTP with a friend from Blake (which we actually did used to do) and Jan and RTS and Tapani. RTS was not the actual RTS, but a different person playing him. Tapani was played by LH, probably because I don't know what Tapani looks like, and maybe because LH also shares my BC heritage. A proud card he doesn't muck like to play at his West Coast coffee houses. It's also possible that Tapani was actually LH but in my dream i just referred to him as Tapani. Either way, it was brief, but from what I remember the conversation revolved around the best twins team and that tapani actually had tapani. Which we thought was funny. The dream had a sort of weird muppet babies feel, because our younger selves were basically present day versions of us, but just sort of smaller. I think I had a full head of hair, however. Something else happened, but I can't for the life of me remember it.
July 15, 2010 at 8:32 AM
Wow. I am shocked at the response. I guess I touched a nerve. What if I brought up Star Wars action figures? I have a box of those somewhere as well.
Truth be told, last night I re-rubber banded the cards as some of them had become brittle and broke. Once everything was alll nice and neat I matched the 88 Twins vs the 88 Yankees. Twins up 1-0 in the series on a grand slam by Tom Herr. Viola beat John Candelaria.
July 15, 2010 at 11:33 AM
Tommy Herr brings back some memories. Once in little league I forgot my batting gloves at home and was called "Tommy Herr" for the day. Great day, still struck out 3 times but it was being called "Tommy Herr" which made it for me, plus it was 10 times better than what they usually called me, "Assface Jan."
July 15, 2010 at 12:50 PM
I'm almost crying, I'm laughing so hard at this. Not at all of you, mind you, but because, as you might imagine, I may also have nerded out on stuff like this back in the day like once or twice. A day.
Actually, I take that back. I am laughing at Jan, but not the rest of you.
Raise your hand if you started a rotisserie league with five other guys, in 6th grade. Another dork moment of mine: winning the country club PGA Tour fantasy league 1988. You picked one golfer for every week (can't choose the same guy twice) and got credit for his earnings. I went to the library, pulled every Monday Mpls. Tribune from the prior summer and wrote down the top ten from each tournament the prior year, picking my guys from that list for the same tournament the current year. I seem to remember picking like 5 tournament winners.
I'll go put on my Dungeon Master cloak now. See you all in Level 5, you low Charisma score Halfling bitches.
July 18, 2010 at 9:05 PM
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