Glory be to thee, John Randle

What FTLOSBW has known for years was just confirmed by the Hall of Fame voters, congrats to John Randle on his election to the NFL Hall of Fame.
The official video from the Vikes
I've posted this before - an instant classic.
Didn't remember this
Guys like this make you love this goddam team more than your own flesh and blood!*
* "Flesh and blood" of course referring to the the other losers on this blog and not actually family members (I am only speaking for myself on that one.)
Congrats to big John,a true hall of famer that didnt require 14-15 years of propoganda to get into the hall
February 6, 2010 at 9:12 PM
BTW - love the Randle commercial and primal scream videos. So funny...can we hire him as a D-line consultant. Can you imagine him coaching Jared Allen?
February 10, 2010 at 11:11 PM
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