The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

December 17, 2009

And Thus Ends the Royce White Era

Finally, the distraction of Royce White and his off-the-court antics are over. Accused of stealing a laptop in a dorm proved to be too much for him to deal with on top of his suspension following his admission of theft at the Mall of America. Apparently he can't 'man up' and deal with these issues, get over them, and be a better person for it by growing and maturing and being a leader. This is the same guy that got the boot from De La Salle due to academic misconduct but got a reprieve by Hopkins - guess you can't teach an old dog . . .

Being the year 2009, he announced this all via a YouTube posting (click here) which has a music video intro of, I'm assuming, one of the artists on his record label. Of course every 19 year old has a record label.

Some highlights:
  • "Me going somewhere on campus, I've always got a lot of people with me . . . I'm known for walking down the street with 50 to 100 people going to a party." Really? 50 to 100? Heard Adam Weber has the same problem.
  • On the laptop incident: "I don't know if it's a race thing or what." Yeah, you being constantly in some sort of trouble is a race thing.
  • "I wish I could be a great teammate but I can't wait for the justice system." So you quit, that's a good one.
Well, that totally sucks as he was an awesome player, a great recruit for the U, and a big piece to Tubby's puzzle. Wish he would just take stock in his life and grow from all this stuff but at the same time if that is his response to all the trouble he has caused from himself then we didn't need him.


Blogger LH said...

From what I've read, it certainly seems like he was given a number of chances and he kept finding trouble. I can understand a kid screwing up- we all did stupid stuff when we were young- but you have to be an idiot to do it repeated after you've already are on thin ice and an even bigger idiot to announce your decision on YouTube...

December 17, 2009 at 5:34 PM

Blogger drinkingtommykramer said...

that cancer had to be removed. You can't polish a turd.

December 19, 2009 at 1:01 PM


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