The Dose: The Inaugural Version

In an attempt to post something when I'm not totally fired up about one topic in particular, I will periodically introduce "The Dose" which will basically be random crap on my mind, sports-related and sports-unrelated.
1. Nice work BG, I hold you and your rooting for Northwestern as the reason Adam Weber threw that heartbreaking pick. Guess who is now rooting for Northwestern to lose every time they play for eternity? I am now a super-anti Northwestern fan (kind of, not really.)
2. Went to the Vikes game yesterday - ho-hum. Most exciting part was the drunken 45 year old superfan who sat next to us and proceeded to scare the crap out of the 10 year kid in front of her (yes, her) as she bent down to sing, nay, yell "You been thunderstruck!!!" (at least that's what I think the song was, it was kinda loud) directly into the kids face. She also danced around like a weeble-wobble. There was also some dude about 5 rows back who tried to start the "Fire Childress, clap, clap, clappity, clap" but quit after the second "Fire Childress."
3. I saw this on 60 minutes last night click here and it blew my f'ing mind. Honestly, it made me think - holy shit, this is why the USA kicks ass!
4. Minnesota Senate race between Coleman, Franken, and Barkley has come to epitomize all that is wrong with politics. I want to vote for Barkley but I feel like I should at least cancel out one of Coleman's supporters and vote for Franken. Then again, Barkley thinks the driking age should be 18 and that the "War on Drugs" is pointless - one of those things I would have benefited from 16 years ago, the other I might benefit from in years to come.
5. If McCain wins tomorrow you can find me here.
I watched that segment from 60 minutes... crazy. I'm glad that there are people in this world that are so much smarter than me. Seriously, how do they come up with this stuff. I was thinking about Einstein and B.Franklin the other day and how their theories, for the most part, continue to hold up and continue to be proved out by our current scientists.... just think of the limited (especially Frankiln) tools that he had to work with.
So why aren't these people (these being the guy that invented that BCI system) held up in the public eye as heros?.. Why aren't these people getting $30MM 5 yr. contracts with $14MM of it guaranteed? I know the answer... I just don't like the answer.
November 4, 2008 at 1:03 PM
The 60 minutes article is absolutely amazing. To my simple mind, it seems like a magic trick...seriously. These kinds of scientists are the most under-paid people in the world (along with good teachers).
Gut-wrenching NU-MN game on Saturday. As I told LH, I always feel dirty, regardless of the result, probably because I've continued to be such a die-hard Gopher fan over the years. The reality, though, is that MN is still in good shape, assuming they beat Michigan...beating either Wisco or Iowa would be the the cherry on top of a great, unexpected season, and would land them in the alamo bowl, at worst. NU also has Michigan left, but must play OSU and Illinois (who is bad, but talented), so 8-4 is more realistic.
Glad that I voted early (at city hall last week), because the line outside my precinct (which is some guy's garage up the street) was about 30-deep this morning when I drove by.
November 4, 2008 at 2:58 PM
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