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May 14, 2008

I refuse to pass any judgment until June 15th...but I'm afraid this guy is right

In assessing contenders and pretenders among the "early season surprises" in baseball, this guy handed out a predictable verdict on the Twins. I didn't realize just how poorly we ranked in all the major pitching and hitting categories. shocking is this stat: we've gotten ONE homerun combined from our Catcher, 3rd Base, Shortstop and Left Field positions! ONE! That is historically awful.

Scoreboard, baby...scoreboard. That's all that matters right now, though.


Blogger Jan said...

BG - hit the nail on the head. I had seen those stats (the only positive one is that we are like 3rd in the AL in team batting average.) There is no consistent pop in this lineup outside of Morneau. We are hiding a lot of our mistakes in a weak division and it is probably going to catch up with us sooner rather than later

May 14, 2008 at 10:26 PM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

If you add in our right fielder, who also happens to be our #5 hitter, that total jumps a whole 100% to 2. I think of Chevy Chase saying to Judge Smails "Don't short change yourself judge, you are tremendous slouch."

To all of you that answered that you love 'em on the flip flop poll, I despise you. As MCA made a point to call out the guys who wear free golf shirts and khakis (which is me every Friday), I am doing the same on flip flops. It is not necessarily the flip flops themselves but that there seems to be no flip flop etiquette. Flip flops do not go with a button down shirt and khakis. They don't go with pants period. Also, this one applies more to fat people than the other posters on this blog, if one's foot does not entirely fit on the flip flop, different footwear should be worn. Maybe I should write to our good friend at or where ever that douche bag who wrote the Twins article last week works.

...maybe not because the Patriots may have cheated.

May 15, 2008 at 7:57 AM

Blogger Jan said...

RTS - you have stirred the bees nest with this flip flop debate. I disagree entirely with your assertion that flip flops "do not go with a button down shirt and khakis. They don't go with pants period." I am a big believer in dressing down a dressed up ensamble with the nice touch of a pair of Reef(tm) flip flops. Gives it a casual dressy look.

Maybe you just don't have the right flip flops or you are embarrased of your feet?

May 15, 2008 at 8:49 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

While I do have large feet, size 12-13 depending on the brand, they are in relatively good order. However, bad feet does not seem to stop flip flop nation from sporting theirs. You would think that people who sport their feet to the world would keep theirs in good order but it seems to be a negative correlation. I knew you would be beating the drum in favor of flip flops.

May 15, 2008 at 9:07 AM

Blogger Jan said...

and somehow I knew you would be in the 'negatory on flip flops' column.

May 15, 2008 at 9:18 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I am guessing BG and LH also are on your team and that MCA abstained from voting.

Back to the HR debate, Gomez has more Hrs than all those guys put together.

May 15, 2008 at 9:22 AM

Blogger LH said...

RTS, Jan- I actually think you're both right and both wrong...but that really has nothing to do with this flip flop question.

I agree that flip flops (just me, or does anyone else remember that these were referred to as thongs when we were young?-- this is way back in the day before the collective we ever would have known what the other thongs were...and yes, Jan, that's before the "Thong Song")

I do not think flip flops should be worn with Khakis unless you're at a wedding south of the Rio Grand River, in which case, it is encouraged.

Now, as it regards to "pants"..I think it depends on how you define pants. If you're like me and Webster and you define it as an outer garment covering each leg separately and usually extending from the waist to the ankle —usually used in plural, then I totally disagree with you because I am a big proponent of flip flops being worn with jeans, or cords, or any other casual pant. If you're defining "pants" as having to do with something dressy.. like a suit pant, or like a docker khaki pant...then I agree with you (caveat being the exception earlier noted)...

May 15, 2008 at 9:38 AM

Blogger RedTigerShark said...

I am saying pants using the Webster's dictionary term. If is nice enough out to wear flip flops, then one should be wearing shorts not pants. If the event one is going to requires pants then flip flops probably are not appropriate. Remember when people wore birkenstocks with wool socks in the winter and how stupid those people looked? Flip flops and pants fall in the same category. Are flip flops so necessary that they need to be worn until they look like something a dog wouldn't play with? I am not saying they don't have their place. I am saying that they are not as universal as they are being worn by the public.

Again back to the original article about the Twins, can Boof Bonser only start on the road? Has that ever been tried?

May 15, 2008 at 10:18 AM

Blogger Jan said...

LH - Never have I heard them called 'thongs' must have been an Anoka thing.

I am not advocating a pair of flip flops and a Joesph Aboud suit or Brooks Brothers dress slacks (love the word 'slacks'); that would be silly and or stupid. But with a pair of casual pants (can't have a pleat) they are quite stylish.

RTS, to make the blanket statement that flip flops = shorts is in effect saying that flip flops should be worn with jorts. And if you are advocating the wearing of flip flops with jorts then you are apparently in favor of the concept of jorts in which case we have entered a new world where up is down and down is up and I question your patritotism.

I like it, Boof only on the road. Did his 2 wins come on the road or something?

May 15, 2008 at 1:47 PM


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