2010 Vikings Prediction Revisited
Found the below notecard in my desk the other day, it was from a phone call with DTK where I noted a prediction from November 29, 2010 and reads: "DTK predicts that the 4 and 7 Vikings would finish 9 and 7 and make the playoffs" (I have blurred out real names)
At the time of the statement, the Vikings had just beaten the Redskins which DTK apparently thought was "the lighting in a bottle" this squad had been waiting to capture. The very next game, the Purple went on to pound the Bills. Exciting, right? Well, also remember that Brett Favre got hurt on the first series which finally ended his career. This was followed by the Dome roof collapsing the next week (a loss to the Giants on a Monday night in Detroit) followed by a loss to the Bears on Monday night at TCF. Bright spot: The 5 and 9 Vikes took the Eagles behind the woodshed on a Tuesday night to move to 6 and 9 only to ultimately fail at Detroit to finish 6 and 10. Great work, Nostradameus.

I am sticking by the sentiment and accuracy of my statement. Just as I believe the day does not start or stop until you've had a prolonged period of sleep, i think the nfl season does not end until another has begun. So it could be a while until i can be proven wrong.
March 22, 2011 at 10:12 PM
Just call it a Black Swan incident. Seems to be what everyone claims when they are wrong now.
March 23, 2011 at 9:01 AM
This is probably not a surprise, but my current interest in the NFL is as low as it's ever been. I know i know...as soon as they finalize a deal, I'll be sucked back in, partially because of fantasy football. But the point is this: I am generally a pretty involved and committed NFL fan, and if I am losing interest, what does that say about the "average" fan. Maybe because this is an intelligent bunch, we aren't really "average" fans...since we don't own pick-up trucks and grill brats outside stadia every week. In other words, the herd mentality will get 90% of people right back in as soon as the lockout ends.
March 23, 2011 at 3:41 PM
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