The blog formerly about a daily dose of mostly Minnesota sports rants and raves with a sprinkling of general sports commentary and a pinch of jaded-malaise regarding the world around us

December 13, 2010

FTLOSBW - Frozen


Blogger BG said...

As I'll tell anyone who will listen, IMHO, Minneapolis' inherent weather advantage (you don't say that very often) over places like Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit is that the sun shines way more often, since sun generally follows snow. Granted, the temps generally drop, but how great is that blue sky?!?

December 13, 2010 at 5:50 PM

Blogger Jan said...

That is true, it's also something my dad says all the time. Take that for what its worth.

This was the weather report: "Blue sky, subzero "high" with wind chill values -10 to -25 through the day. High: 4."

followed by:

"Tuesday, Bitter start."

December 13, 2010 at 7:33 PM

Blogger drinkingtommykramer said...

yeah. sun is awesome. what a gift.

when it's nice out.

"sun" when it's 25 below with a nice, thick, 5 month blanket of white snow is just blinding.

That said, i still like to use that defense with people who aren't from MN. But, it's sort of like when i was watching "Behind Bars" on MSNBC and they interviewed a prisoner about those (mostly non-prisoners) who downplay the hellish existence of doing time; that these people are coddled with cable tv and three squares a day. The incarcerated gentleman responded with these oddly obvious, yet somehow shockingly insightful words: "those people have never been held down and anally raped in their own jail cell."

Touche. A little perspective, from prisoner number 20567891. (For the record, I think he had, in fact, been anally raped.)

December 14, 2010 at 6:18 PM

Blogger MCA said...

JHC, how old are you farts? Bitching and moaning about the weather a full week before the damned solstice even arrives? Have Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon taken over this blog? Whatever happened to appreciating the reputation the brutal winter gave Minnesota, as a comforting insulation against swarms of weaker, sun-worshipping people moving up there and leaching off all you hearty Nordic types?

Just teasing. BG, I like your silver lining attitude. Probably easy for the dude from the Bay Area to say.

December 14, 2010 at 7:34 PM


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