Hubert H. Humphrey to Metropolitan Sports Commission: "Can you please remove my name from this piece of Shit?"
(From my phone this morning.)

Well, for anyone still wondering if we need a new stadium.
A nice exclamation point to the punchline of the joke that has been this season. Maybe they can play it at the actual mall of america. Note to Minnesota: 16 inches of snow isn't usually enough to cancel an NFL game. By usually, I mean ever.
They say it looks like a big bowl of sugar. Right. Sugar.
What we need:

Pandemonium here in LOSBW. People are freaking out up here, I was at the grocery store on Friday loading up for the weekend (good thing too as it is 25 below WC right now) and I watched a housewife from Edina body slam an old lady over a 12 pack of Diet Coke. Diet Coke!
Honestly, it was a bad storm, no doubt. And truthfully, it is depressingly cold outside right now (will be for the next four days.) But, c'mon. As you will learn over the next few days, this is the 5th time this has happened at the Dome. The Minneapolis Sports Commission is a fraud.
Oh, and as DTK pointed out, this just became the metaphor for our season.
December 12, 2010 at 10:07 AM
At the Next press conference Zygi should just walk out and say what do the following all have in common?
New England
New York
Kansas City
Green Bay
New Orleans
San Francisco
St, Louis
Answer: None of these NFL cities had to cancel games this year because their stadium broke.
December 12, 2010 at 5:46 PM
This clinches two things:
1. The Vikings are the most ridiculous franchise in the NFL.
2. Some sort of deal was struck with the Devil in re: to signing Brett Favre, and there was still a little payment left out there as of Saturday.
December 13, 2010 at 7:41 AM
That game in Detroit is going to be like a homeless shelter. Free tickets and heat.
December 13, 2010 at 11:02 AM
So the crappiest part of this is the Monday night game against the Bears that is in jeopardy of being moved (rumor is Solider Field which I couldn't believe possible.) This weekend they are having a huge gala for the 50 greatest Vikings (coincide with 50 years) and the current team. Then at the game they were going to introduce them. How shitty that this might not happen at the shitty Dome. Worst part is that the event in on Sunday night (apparently they got EVERYONE including Tarkenton) and if the team isn't playing at the Dome they won't be going to this event.
I also heard some legislators say this doesn't put the Vikings needs ahead of the states $5 billion deficit. That doesn't matter any more, don't they get it? The last 10 years haven't been the right time. If it's not now, then when? Even though the year 2010 (from NFC title game to now) has been a utter disgrace and pants-filling pile of shit, if the team moves I am kind of going to lose it. It's totally pathetic that I am like that as a fan, I get that.
December 13, 2010 at 11:08 AM
Yeah, this all plays very nicely into Zygi's hands. If this doesn't convince the doubters and haters that the Vikes need a new stadium, I don't know what will! A few observations, many of which have been mentioned, but bear repeating:
1) Norse God's way of extending Favre's streak?
2) Or Norse God's continued repayment for 2009's deal with the devil?
3) Maybe Zygi hired someone to tear the roof to cause the collapse? I mean, how did the Fox crew know to be inside filming when it happened? THe guy's from NY, remember, and probably knows a few guys in the "waste" business that can be bought.
4) Metaphor for the spot on.
5) RTS - GREAT CALL on tonight's game essentially being a homeless shelter. Who are they kidding? Free tickets? In Detroit? Why not just charge $10 and keep the riff-raff out...can't wait to see what it's like on TV.
6) Finally, tonight's game is actually more compelling than the Houston/Baltimore game.
December 13, 2010 at 5:47 PM
P.S. Looks like a phenomenal storm. And while I really don't miss Midwest weather at all, I wish I could get one of these per year (provided that it melted entirely two days later).
P.P.S. If they have to move that Monday Night game to Chicago, it will go down as the biggest cluster-fu** of all time. This franchise may as well be the St. Paul Saints right now...because it's minor league.
December 13, 2010 at 5:48 PM
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