Twins sign Mauer. Wait, what? HOLY SHITBALLS!

Here it is boys. Father-in-law scooped me.
8 years, $23M/year - $184M total. No trade clause. I like it. Sounds like a deal FTLOSBW would cut. Confidence is high, confidence is high.
Photo credit: Guy who took it.
Finally. When do we play the Yankees?
March 22, 2010 at 11:37 AM
Is it possible to be pumped and a worry wart?!? The Twins absolutely had to do this, purely to make the statement to their fans that, yes, they are committed to winning now that they have a stadium that can help generate respectable revenues. But, as many pundits have already pointed out, this will likely limit us from keeping some other players in the intermediate future (Morneau?). Also, I worry about Joe's legs...but enough about that. BIG MIDDLE FINGER TO NY and BOSTON!!!
March 22, 2010 at 12:59 PM
P.S. Kudos to Bill Smith. I had my doubts, but he made it happen. And, he has built a decent squad around Mauer (for this year, at least).
Now, all we need is a closer...
March 22, 2010 at 1:00 PM
FOB JB (a Jewish fella from Taxachusettes!) emailed saying the rumors around Boston were that Mauer preferred going there if he didn't stay in the 612. Double big middle finger to Boston!
March 22, 2010 at 1:34 PM
they need to win a world series. they can ride that revenue train with a stadium for a few years if they are competitive. if not, then we will ahve to deal with the warehouse sales
March 22, 2010 at 3:57 PM
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