Great time to be a TWINS fan! Who's hungry?
I know many of the FTLSOBW organization do not like Fatrick Reusse, but he hits a pretty solid triple off the wall here. It's a great time to be a Twins fan. Frankly, it's therefore a great time to be a baseball fan again, because I think i speak for everyone in America when i say, as goes the Twins so goes baseball. Also, Reusse is just huge, but don't let that distract you from his point.
Between Wilf and (it pains me to say this and I know I may retract this at a future date when they start pinching pennies like their old man, may he rest in peace, i actually liked him so don't say anything about me referencing him being dead) the Pohlads, we finally have owners in our major teams willing to spend to bring championships here.
For those people trying to find the cloud in the silver lining, who try to tarnish whats a great day for the small amount of sentimentality left in baseball, by suggesting joe is robbing his team of its ability to pay for his supporting cast, or that the twins are shortsightedly mortgaging their future, i simply say "you are so stupid".
One, its sort of an odd argument. Iguess in order to solve the problem of not being able to pay for a supporting cast, people want to make sure there's nobody to support. I suppose that solves the problem the way people wnat to solve the education gap by making good schools worse. I guess technically speaking you solved A problem, but i'm just not sure you're solving the right one. I'd rather have a strong small core to build the rest of the team up around than try to turn nick punto into a number two man.
Second, the small market thing is getting a little tiring. We aren't fargo. We aren't omaha. With a new stadium and a winnig team, there should be revenue. We had shit because we had shit. But just a point of reference -- the twin cities are the 14th largest market in the US. Basically identical to or slightly bigger than St. Louis, CO, AZ, Seattle and the florida teams, and bigger than Pittsburgh, torontp, cinncy, milwaukee, cleveland, and san diego (sort of). Almsot all of the major market teams are also split -- NY, LA and Chicago (which obviusly are in another world altogether), and then DC/Balt and San Fran (and the A's are perennial small ball). My point is, a myth has been established that we are at asuch a disadvantage, and the truth is we are in as good as or better market situation than most of the teams in the league, and it's really about the product.
As a vocal critic of Reusse (who I once described as a "bloated carcass") his article shows a level of giddyness rarely seen from the scribe. Instead of "Twins Territory", I feel more a part of the "Entire Twins Organization" now that Mauer is signed and hope springs eternal.
March 23, 2010 at 9:40 AM
Nicely put, dtk. I'm not going to read Reusse so as not to give him the hits he's so looking for, but I feel the warmth of the Twins Kumbaya chorus right now, even down here. Our little Joe, who the whole world wants, has validated our good feelings about our home state, and everyone's got a nice glow from it.
The small market thing is malarkey, as you said. We've always been middle market, but stuck in a small market stadium in terms of revenue ceiling. That's been rectified, obviously (although maybe they should have built a few thousand more seats into the new place).
I also don't buy this mantra out there about not being able to compete with 20+% of payroll committed to one guy. Most teams in that situation are bound to fail because either (i) that one guy is an ace starter and not worth the money, or (ii) they're just not good anyway, so they're either in contracting/selloff mode and have one big unmoveable contract, or they have no way to support that one star but can't afford to not keep him. See the Royals for good examples of both phenomena, when Grienke's contract is running next time. We're different. Our farm system is stocked, we've got most of the rest of the talent on the team locked up at competitive prices for 4-5 more years, we've got a big bulge in revenue stream coming. Not analogous.
Add to that the following factors: (a) we're done paying our closer $12.5M per, (b) all of our starting pitchers other than Pavano are young, currently inexpensive and in the cases of Baker and Blackburn already locked up for the next half decade, and (c) Cuddy will come off the books after another two seasons (I think), and the pipeline to replace him (Hicks, Revere) looks good. The one place I see a problem is Morneau - we've got him tied up for another three seasons, I believe, but I don't know how we'll keep him after that, because he's likely to command $18M/yr. or more.
March 23, 2010 at 11:25 AM
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March 23, 2010 at 12:24 PM
I humored Reusse and read the article, and he makes one great point: the Twins are not going to spend $184M on one player and then NOT try to win. There is a playbook for what not to do sitting right across the parking ramp from Target Field (hint: the team plays in a building also named after our beloved retail giant). They paid Garnett and tried to surround him for a couple years, but then completely threw up the white flag...let's hope the Pohlads watched and learned.
Seriously, the only things worrying me about the Twins right now are very different from what worried me 10 years ago, when winning was a laughable idea:
1) Is the opening weekend going to get snowed out?
2) Who is going to be the closer?
3) Can we keep Morneau? IS great to be a Twins fan!
Oh, and just because I love saying it: SUGGIT Yankees and Red Sox!
March 23, 2010 at 12:24 PM
If the Vikes had made the Super Bowl we would have the sports world by the balls right now.
March 23, 2010 at 12:34 PM
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